I would never hurt you!

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It had been a whole month since Lucifer was fired. And Chloe,although with a big 6ft 3 hole in her heart, was slowly learning to move on. Nope. She was definitely not missing Lucifer. And she was definitely not remembering their old partnership whenever she got time..And the empty chair beside her desk was definitely not catching her attention everytime she entered the precinct.

Her brain was still pretty melted with the whole 'Devil' thing and whenever she thought about Lucifer, helplessly that red morphed face flashed through her mind and she would always either gasp out of the memory or shove it down deep inside her mind. Honestly, she wasn't even sure she could ever come to terms with all of these craziness. God, fucking God was real! The Heaven and Hell, Demons, Angels....no, she couldn't deal with this now...not ever!

For a whole month, she hadn't heard any news about Lucifer, not a single call or text and Chloe didn't know whether to be relieved or scared. She had changed her number and blocked him; somehow a part of her expected that Lucifer would reach out through someone else. But he didn't. At least he respected her boundaries. That was a good thing.

He just like that cut himself off from everyone's lives, as if he never existed. But he did exist. For three years, he had been working with them, and with her...Lucifer was more than a friend to her. And even if her heart and mind didn't want to go to that direction of thought, she always wondered - Would he forget her, just like that?

Chloe always thought, whether Lucifer had moved on or not. It already had been over a month and earlier on many occasions he had indicated that he was a fast person...not person...Devil.

Exactly! He was the Devil! His immortal life was too long to stick around an ordinary 38 years old boring woman right? It was kind of oxymoron since she was the one who so damn wanted Lucifer out of her life, but at the same time the very thought of him moving on, or forgetting her made her want to cry. Why was it so complicated? If he would be a human, Chloe would definitely accept him, maybe even marry him and lead a safe life. But he was not. And he was definitely not safe.

The last couple of weeks had been quite exhausting. Apparently, Maze had returned from her bounty hunting a few days back and Chloe with her heart pounding as loudly as a loudspeaker, told her to move out, directly and cold. The Demon's initial confusion morphed into something dark when she figured out what Chloe was talking about. Maze didn't put up a fight for leaving as Chloe expected... To her surprise, the demon actually obliged.

"You know Decker, even if I am a demon, I would never hurt you or Trixie! I am here to protect you.. And well I wanted to apologize to...to her. " Maze said before leaving the apartment for the last time and that was it. No contact from  her anymore.

But now it was being difficult for Chloe as Trixie kept asking about Maze. For the first few days she was convinced that Trixie was still mad at Maze, but then her anger soon melted. And Trixie worried about the Demon. Worried about the Demon...

She didn't ask about Lucifer much though, knowing that it would anger Her mommy. Chloe couldn't be more proud and upset about this.

"Why can't Maze stay here anymore? " Trixie asked her a few days ago.

"I thought you were mad at her, monkey.. "  Chloe  replied, trying to be as normal as possible yet she heard herself as cold.

"So what? Friends do fight.. But that doesn't mean they will stay away forever! Is she still mad at me? "

"No monkey, she.. She isn't. Just that she needed to figure out her life and priority.. " Chloe lied. It was a white lie though, wasn't it? Trixie's words were like a slap to her.. She was Lucifer's friend right? Not only just partner, and she threw him away like a thing. But she didn't have any choice! He was the fucking Devil! Yet...
Yet deep in her heart she knew this reason was not enough. And deep enough she actually ached for the man she was starting to have feelings for.

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