Glad you moved on.

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Chloe searched the precinct for any sign of Dan, but there was none. Oh.. He has gone to search Marco's house with the Unis. She needed to get her answer, but it seemed she has to wait.. Aimlessly she strolled towards her desk and sank down. Her mind desperately drifting to the moment Lucifer said Goodbye, permanently. Saying Goodbye doesn't mean he was going away, right? Their partnership ended, but they can still be friends? If he wants to. And that, Chloe wasn't sure of. She desperately tried to focus on the piles of incomplete paperworks. After fidgeting with them but doing nothing for an hour, she finally gave up. She sighed heavily resting her head on the back of the chair. The uneasiness settling down her heart. It was then she nearly jumped as Ella shouted in her ear..

"Decker, you are still working? I said Case closed! So come on, let's get our party started!! " She squealed cheerfully.

Chloe gave her a half hearted smile, "I do have some paperworks to do Ella. I don't think I will be joining you. "

"Nonsense! You can do it later. But right now, let's get you distracted. Come on, Lux is overflowing today. We better get going.. "

She stiffened at the mention of Lux. There were other clubs as well in LA.. But somehow a part of her ached to go there. She didn't know why. When was the last time she actually visited Lux? After she started dating Mar-Pierce, she hardly stepped foot in his Lux. And then hell broke loose. And then she didn't go there once.. Will Lucifer allow her there? She didn't know.

"I don't think Lux is a good idea.. " She said hesitantly. And immediately Ella's gleeful face turned serious.

"Are you still afraid of him? " She asked.

"No.. No" It was more like she was convincing herself.. But Ella looked sceptical. "I.. Okay, maybe a part of me is afraid of him. But that's not the reason I don't want to go to Lux. "

"Decker, he won't eat you up! And why won't you go there? "

"I dont know if Lucifer would allow me or not. "

"Aw, Chloe, he is mad about you! He won't raise a single finger at you for visiting his club. On the contrast, he will be happy!! " Ella smiling face returned, and before Chloe could protest she was already dragging her towards the exit elevator of the precinct. Technically she could use a distraction..

As both of them sat in Chloe's car, she immediately unblocked Lucifer's number and sent him a text.

"Hi, Ella wanted to come to Lux, she is taking me there. Do you mind if I come? " She considered a minute  before hitting the send button, and waited for his response.. The phone chimed withing seconds.

"When have you ever been refused? " And immediately after Lucifer went offline.

Ella was by then whining to make Chloe start the engine, "Come on, what are you waiting for Decker? " But she couldn't shake the text Lucifer has sent her. It was so cold, so distant. Like he was a stranger to her. Through the entire car ride, Chloe's phone kept on beeping and chiming. It wasn't untill they stopped in  a red light, that she pulled out her phone to check the notifications.

Right, after a month she has unblocked his number. So all his missed calls and unread messages and coming in now.

1089 unread messages.

337 missed calls.

The temptation to open all the messages and read it was high, but she could not do that, not when they were driving. She blinked back the tears forming in her eyes and drove silently to Lux.


Lux was flooding. Who could tell it was early evening? Not to mention office hours? Chloe and Ella didn't even have to wait in the line to enter, they were a special leverage, did everybody know them? Like Lucifer made sure his friends would never wait to enter Lux? Both of the girls pushed past the crowd and made their way towards the bar. Chloe instinctively searched the club for Lucifer's presence, but nope. He was absent. Earlier when Chloe used to come to Lux, Lucifer would always for her down, to welcome her. But now.. Her stomach churned.

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