Love is foreign

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"Lucifer, please don't leave me! I- I love you!"

Chloe could have never imagined Lucifer Morningstar to be affected this much by a single sentence. Well, who could blame him? Chloe had never really thought how Lucifer's life would be – how would it be like to become the all- powerful Devil, a celestial being Previously, she thought him to be the luckiest bastard – having tons and tons of money, a bloody club for booze, hot chicks, no responsibility and on top of that LAPD's support for his own kick. And maybe being the Devil had its own perks – magnetism, mojo, super strength and all. But all perks had their downsides and maybe for Lucifer that ratio was unfair. On her way to the penthouse she did give it a thought. And now looking at the man in front of her – she dared to think she was lucky to not be The Devil. Eons and Eons of neglect, abandonment from his family and the humanity's blame – she wasn't sure anyone could take it like the way Lucifer did. He was always this larger than life persona; smiling and charming his way out, but did anyone really know the true Lucifer? She wasn't wrong in thinking that the Devil wore a façade. But she was wrong in thinking that the façade was a lie. Lucifer wore the mask of perfection, confidence, and pride but deep, deep down he was as vulnerable as anyone else – more even. Underneath that mask lay a deeply broken man, tired of taking the blames for which he had no responsibility. And she hated to think that she was also a contributor of making him feel broken.

Because Lucifer in front of her was petrified.

He was looking at her like she had grown a third head and the sight itself broke her heart. How the fuck could she ever think he was evil?! How could she be terrified of the being who was terrified of his own feelings? Chloe could not speak another word. All her voice seemed to have lost in her throat. She just kept looking at him, waiting for a reaction – any reaction. Minutes passed with them staring at each other like a slow glacier whose coldness seeped through her veins.

Any minute now. Any minute either he would flee away or maybe...maybe he would say he didn't want her anymore. Well that was a line of thinking she didn't want to walk on.

When she was just about to give up, he last. But whatever he said was far more painful than she expected. "No you don't." he said.

A bucket of water dropped on her head. Chloe didn't know how to react to this. How do you make someone believe something when they are constantly in denial? "Yes I do!" She insisted.

Lucifer scoffed and out of all things he turned away from her, walking out in the balcony. If his earlier 'Vegas drama' was hurtful, this was a new definition of hurt. It was like someone just slapped her right in front of everyone, hard and cold. Lucifer had always been the one to hurt her feelings, or maybe she did it too but now at least she expected him to be a little sensible! She just expressed her feelings, lay herself vulnerable in front of him and this was what he did with it? If he would rejected her, it would have been better – but out an out ignoring her feelings, accusing her love to be lie – she never felt more insulted. How dare he do that?! The ache in her heart soon replaced with the heat simmering within. Taking long, ungraceful strides she walked to him to the balcony.

The sun was now setting, leaving the sky painted orangish with a tint of red. The twinkling city lights beneath and the horizon blended beautifully offering an aesthetic beauty. On any other day, Chloe would have taken out a second to appreciate this beauty, but now she couldn't care less. Her sole attention was on the Devil leaning on the rails with his back to her, hopelessly lighting a cigarette with his shaking hands.

"Lucifer! I do love you! How can you question that?!" She yelled at him. This was pointless. Since morning she had been preparing for this particular love confession, tons of fantasies about how this would go swirling in her mind. She never imagined it to be like this, where the other person wouldn't even acknowledge her presence. Had she meant this low to him? Lucifer didn't answer that because of course he didn't! Why would he? He was the fucking devil! He wouldn't dignify an insignificant human with an answer on which her life depended! His silence and his back were now successfully giving her a headache and hurt. "So what? Am I that insignificant to you now, that you wouldn't even look at me?"

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