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I will be leaving LA forever…


Forever – no coming back from this word. Her whole lifetime –forever.

Chloe stumbled back as she processed the word in her mind. He said that. He said – nay, he stated that. He will be leaving him forever. Forever.

The word stabbed in her gut like an ice knife and she withered underneath in pain. She could hear muffled grunts and noises around her, but it was not his voice. She could hear a faint ‘Chloe’ and stubborn hands on her shoulder trying to shake her into a reaction. But it was not ‘Detective’, it was not his hands. Him…

He just left her. He stated that he would be leaving her and he just left her.

Forever…The word as if was choking her and sucking the very dear life out of her. She kept staring towards the staircase – he had walked out through the staircase and now the path had no trace of him.

How did the day turn over like this? In the morning everything was so perfect. Everything seemed to be on their side and for a moment she thought things could really go back to the way they were. She was so wrong. So very wrong.

Cause, things could never go back to normal. Cause they were not normal. Cause he was not normal.


She won’t let this happen again. She won’t let him run away again. Well, if she was him, she would do the exact same thing. Wouldn’t she? After all the hatred Lucifer was getting these past few days – everybody had a breaking point.

All those souls you torture, do you enjoy it?

I missed you, you know..

Detective has blocked me…I don’t even know why I am sending this.

Lucifer might be the Devil – but he was living being, breathing with all those emotions. And everything between them – this overwhelming distance, has hurt him, she knew that. She had hurt him.

I am drowning…

Do you hate me Detective?

I am a monster

But that didn’t mean he could just run away again. He didn’t even care to inform her, he just stated!? How was that fair??! Here she was thinking about removing all the distance between them; thinking about taking a step with him, to move forward; she was thinking about confessing her love to him. And all this time, he was planning to leave her. He didn’t even care to mention that before – probably he wouldn’t have mentioned also if this incident wouldn’t have happened today. He would just have left –like the last time. She didn’t know what to think of that.

Her heart bled. There was no enough oxygen in the room for her to breath. And the stupid hands on her shoulders were still shaking her. She just had to go back to the penthouse. She had to talk to him…How could he do that to her?!

But before that…


The hands left her shoulders to touch the slapped cheek. Dan scrambled backwards trying to get some balance. But before he could wrap his head around what just happened Chloe was pulling him to the interrogation room, the prying eyes of others following their movement minutely.

“What? Don’t you have other works to do?” Chloe shouted at the audience before slamming the door of the interrogation room behind her and Dan. Thankfully the Lieutenant was not there in his office otherwise both of them would have been in a grave trouble.

“WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU!?” Chloe shouted making Dan flinch extremely to her severe tone.

“I…just lost it. That guy, he pisses me all the time and you all always…ALWAYS support him. I just can’t! When I do anything wrong, I never get a chance. But when it comes to Lucifer, you always get your blinds on!  How can this be fair Chloe? I am burning here, he is the reason Charlotte is dead! He took away everything! I lost everyone and yet, you are thinking about him and not me!” All these months of pent up frustration and anger - Dan just couldn’t get hold of it. He just let it out like venom.

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