Just a Favour.

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Chloe didn't know what to feel. She was terrified when the Lieutenant proposed that she should go with Lucifer in his Aston together.

Although she half expected Lucifer to be happy at the prospect. But instead he seemed sceptical, and not to mention terrified?

Was he terrified of her?

Chloe was stalling to talk to him about whatever she and Ella discussed earlier in the day. After Lucifer disappeared from the precinct earlier, second thoughts seemed to engulf her. And when he returned an hour later, she just didn't have the heart to say that she wanted him to be her partner again.

What would he think of her? Once she fired him  and the next moment she just changed her mind? Also it seemed awkward to even make a conversation with him.

It was so easy to hang around him , even a month ago! They were so easy! But now as if an invisible wall was put up between them.

When Lucifer returned to the precinct about an hour later Chloe barely managed to ask,

"Where? ". She didn't mean to sound cold, but she did anyways and she winced at her own tone.

A hurt seemed to have spread on his face for a few seconds before he finally replied, "Dr Linda. " 

That was it.

And he just walked to the Lieutenant's office and closed the door behind him. Inspite of the coldness in his behavior, Chloe found an understanding in his eyes. He didn't blame her, but consciously trying to give her space. And that made her feel even more guilty.

In the late afternoon, finally time for the Aston ride.. Chloe and Lucifer rode together in an awkward, long stretched silence. The weight of the silence pressing her heart, and she could feel Lucifer's occassional side glances even thought his attention was solely on the road.. When they reached the MME workshop, he cleanly parked the red Aston in front of a vallet

"Return it so much with a scratch and I will see you in hell. " He said to the bland man while handing over the keys to him. His tone was playful, but Chloe couldn't help but to feel her stomach churn at the mention of Hell. She was trying. She really was. To handle the facts that Heaven and hell were real.. To handle the fact that the Devil was walking beside her..

She gulped nervously, as the memories of the red, flaggered creature in front of the Pierce's body flashed across the mind. Lucifer seemed to have noticed her uneasiness and he stepped three feet away from her keeping enough space for a baby elephant in between them. Chloe felt both regret and relief.

"Couldnt you just bring the corvette? " She started when the silence became too unbearable.

"Gone for cleaning service. " Lucifer replied blandly. Chloe sighed internally, she couldn't help but feel the twitch of sadness at his distance.

"Okay, it's a pretty straight forward. We couldn't trace the threatening text sent to our victim but if the killer murdered just to win the auction, then.. And the car that Derek won was Tucker 48, so whoever So if we find the car then whoever it's being handed off to might be our killer. "

To her surprise, Lucifer was unusually silent though out the whole conversation. He was listening, but he made no effort to pass a remark or any quip. It was becoming more and more difficult for Chloe to continue the conversation. And not to mention the distance he was maintaining was uncomfortably far. Somehow Chloe felt guilty for whatever going on with him. Maybe he was disgusted with her? Dan told her that he didn't want to work this case.. But yet he was. Why was he?

"Lucifer? " Chloe asked.

"Hmm? " He replied

"Why are you here? " She said.

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