Bearer of Hope

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The morning sex was incredible. Even better than the previous night. They came together again and again and then when they were sated, they lay down together on his bed and exchanged kisses lazily, her hands roamed around his torso, neck, forearms and sometimes on his belly. But it wasn't filled with lust or desire of having sex again. It was romantic, yes but also innocent. She was exploring his body because she could, because he gave her the right too. And honestly speaking, it was amazing! He could hardly remember the last time when anyone caressed his body just from love but nothing else. He should have been hardening by now, again but he found himself sated. Sated for the very first time in his long, long, very long life and he didn't know whether it was because of Chloe's extraordinary skills on bed or was it because she was Chloe? His Chloe. At one point he was damn sure, he had died and somehow by mistake landed in Heaven. But again, this was much better than the paradise everybody gushes about. He would know, of course.

Lucifer too, didn't keep his hands to his side, of course he couldn't! He was lightly stroking her forearms, drawing patterns over her ulnas while she showered gentle kisses on his cheeks, nose and shoulders. They were incredibly close, hands and legs almost scissored together and heat flared in his chest.

"That was..." Chloe smiled; a bit dazed from going through biological high over and over again.

"Incredible?" He finished for her, beyond damn hoping it was for her. She turned her head again and her grin turned wider, gaining a softness he had never seen. She kissed his cheek again before mouthing the same word as confirmation. Lucifer preened. He gave her an incredible sex last night and now. He, not that asshat Daniel or the vile Cain or any other human stain. He, Lucifer Morningstar.

" So..?" She prompted.

"So what?

Chloe twisted her body towards him and snaked her arms around the torso, looking straight into his eyes. Lucifer felt like he might drown in that pretty gaze. "You are not going to Vegas, right?" She tried to keep her voice normal and steady, but he was The Devil. He was no fool to her unasked question and the who-knew-how-many-pounds burden of mistrust and insecurity he had dumped on her over the past few years. A familiar ache returned to his heart with full force and he tried to hide it over a soft smile.

"Of course not, Darling. Now that I have you, there is no other place I'd rather be." He assured, sincerely, hoping that she would find the truth in his words. He really would not leave now. He couldn't, not when this bundle of sunshine was lying next and watching him with the most adorable yet beautiful puppy eyes.

Although, he promised the Urchin that he would leave after a month, so did that mean he had to leave? Cause, he really didn't want to. Also, the urchin was pretty adamant about him not leaving, so she wouldn't mind him staying here, would she? Looked like he had to find a loophole in his deal. Maybe he should just talk to her, later.

The way Chloe's face lit up reminded him of his stars, his creation. She really was his everything and he would do anything to keep her in his life and now that he had gotten a taste of their upcoming relationship days, he didn't know if he could handle yet another rejection. He would just...die, probably. If that was even possible without him going back to Hell. Chloe, although seemed oblivious to his thoughts and she pulled his face for a sweet peck. It didn't last long and he found himself chasing her lips when she pulled back. "Looks like you have to re-decorate your living room, again."

Ah. That. "Yes." Said he, his face scrunching up with the thought of re-shifting his furniture back again, not to mention paying triple the price for the inconvenience of the shifters. "Although, thankfully the bed over here is fixed, otherwise we would be shagging each other on the floor itself."

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