Not okay.

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Doctor?" Lucifer barged into Linda's house, it was 7 in the morning. He had been in the operation theatre the last night, though he absolutely needn't one. He could self heal and the bullet would just pop out of the wound. Although, Chloe wouldn't know that and after he was unconscious, nobody told her that he could heal by himself. One night without the Detective and he was right as rain. But he had just one problem. The problem he has been having for a month now. He can't move on. The last night when the bullet hit him, the wound was less painful than to watch her with someone else. He had forced himself not to lose his temper, not to break down or even accuse the Detective. He couldn't. How could he blame the Detective for moving on in her life? She deserved happiness. And that happiness was not him. He wanted to go away, from her life, from Los Angeles, from his feelings. But somehow an invisible thread has been holding him, or he has been holding that that thread. Either ways, it was easier to stay. Not easy to see the Detective push away from him, not easy to make himself just a tool for the LAPD, not easy to fight the urge to cry or to even hold on to his, Chloe was not his. She had a choice now. She had a choice when she chose Pierce, and she has a choice when she did not choose him. Chloe had free will now. And she was not his.

"Lucifer? What are you doing here?" Oh how he wished it to be the therapist's voice. But it was not. Maze came out from her room, dressed all in leather - did she even change to night suit?..

"Maze? What are you doing here?" Lucifer tried to sound as cold as possible, but the curiosity in his voice couldn't be ignored. Truth to be told, he has missed her. She was not there when he needed her the most, but was he there when she needed him? She abandoned him, but he did the same to her. And he could not counter that with any arguement.

"I live here. Now you." Maze crossed her arms, but there was no way one could avoid the worry and concern rubbed over her face. Concern for him. Why would anyone do look at him like this? He made sure to shave, bathe, use his hair product, wear the perfect three piece suit, and apply a huge amount of concealer under his eyes, oh and wear a smile. He was supposed to look perfect! Then why was she staring at him, like he was going to die?

"I came to see the Doctor..." Okay this was awkward..Lucifer's eyes flickered between the ground and Maze, he opened his mouth to say something, but couldn't voice it.

And Maze being Maze, could very well study his posture. Her friend is too proud to say something first. She has to probe it. "Okay, spill. You are being weird now." She said.

It took another minute for him to voice it. "Err..How are you doing?"

For a fraction of second, Maze's eyes widen with surprise, but she recovered from it. "Honestly, not perfectly okay." When Lucifer raised an eyebrow at her, she continued, " Chloe kicked me out, Trixie is mad at me and don't want to see me." She sighed. " I came back from my bounty this fast just to apologize to the small human, but I couldn't even meet her, because Decker wouldn't allow me! And I guess I cant even ask you to take me back to hell again.." Maze's eyes were glassy, but not teary.

Linda came out sleepily, when she heard her friend shouting in the living room. When she saw Lucifer and Maze talking, she decided to go back to her room. They needed privacy and some closure. She would wait until their conversation gets over and Lucifer calls her.

"I told you Maze, my reason for not taking back to you hell wasn't the possible repercussions  from Dad, but because I didn't want to lose you. But lately i've been asking myself to go back. " Lucifer sighed, the last sentence came out from his mouth broken, wrapped in hurt and pain. "But I have given a word to someone. Neitherless, if you truly desire to go back to hell, then..then I shall take you."

" were thinking of going back?" Maze now sounded alarmed. Lucifer loathed hell, he would do anything to not to return to that place.

"I cant deny that I have thought about it a couple of times." He sounded..tired and wary. "But I suppose another year on Earth won't do harm. That's the reason I am moving to Las Vegas. "

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