If thats what you desire.

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One bullet..

One gun shot..

That's all it took to wrench and throw Chloe's heart from her throat. She saw Lucifer crumple and then hit the floor with a loud thud. It took a moment for her to process whatever happening around her but when she did, it was like the feeling that she was choked.

"Lucifer! " She rushed to his aid. She could see him tremble, his eyes heavy and clearly focusing on his breathing, which came out a desperate gasps of air. Her brain rewinding to the days of her training, where basic first aids were taught.. Right, pressure to the wound. She quickly pulled out her jacket and crumpled it into a thick ball and pressed against his wound. With a vain attempt Lucifer tried to lift his head off the ground. But it dropped down anyways again with a loud thud. Out of all this she didn't notice when Ella crept to his other side, not until Ella took his head on her lap.. Beads of sweat already forming in his forehead and with his jaw tightly clenched, it was evident he was clearly struggling to control his pain as much as possible.

"D-tive.. " Lucifer said through gritted teeth and pants.. His glassy red rimmed eyes staring at Chloe, he was having a hard time to keep them open., and she could see only one thing in them. The thing which slapped Chloe hard! - Acceptance.

"You are gonna be okay. Alright.. " Chloe assured.. Her vision blurry with the fire forming behind her eyes.. And she desperately blinking it to keep her tears at bay.. She could not lose him. She knew that. She couldn't even imagine her life with him.. But now is not the time to cry.. Absolutely not. She has to be strong.. All of this made her forget that there was still a bomb in the building, or that Marco still was making threats behind them. The patron's shouts and Marco's threats came out nothing but as muffled hums to her ears.. The only thing she possible worry was Lucifer.

Lucifer's half choked gasps brought Chloe out of her reverie. He was struggling to breath..

"Chloe, he is choking on his own blood. We need to sit him upright. " Ella suggested. Her fingers threading to his hair in a soothing pattern, but of course it's of no use.

"Hey buddy, come on, we need you to sit okay? " Ella urged softly.. When Lucifer didn't responded, Chloe spoke.

"Lucifer, please.. " She said softly.

".. Kay" He panted at last. And with that, his effort to sit upright started.. Chloe and Ella supported him taking his almost all the body weight, Ella's hands wrapped around his shoulders and Chloe wrapped her hands around his waist, carefully ignoring the injured portion..

He was damn heavy! Of course he was! Tallness wasnt a factor.. Chloe had seen people of his greater size with lesser weight. But Lucifer was different. Maybe with supernatural metabolism, he had supernatural body mass? Was that even a thing? Anyways, not important..

With an extremely strained effort from his side, and maximum support from Chloe and Ella they managed to make Lucifer sit against a lounge in the middle of club.. He was extremely tired with all the movements. The shirt front which was light blue initially was now soaked in red, so was Chloe's jacket pressed against the wound. And every silent cough Lucifer let out, a part of her heart froze in terror and panick.

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