Cant be mad at you, dummy!

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Maze was in a hurry. She dragged her recent bounty and threw him under the stairs in the precinct.

"Woah, who is this? " One of the rookies asked her..

"Should I do everything for you? It's a bad guy! Find the rest for yourselves! " Maze growled completely annoyed.

A part of her was happy, that Lucifer and She were back on track. But she simply couldn't find joy in that.

That little conversation with Lucifer in the morning was playing in her mind like a broken record. Yes, she asked him to take her home, yes she betrayed him and yes sometimes she can be an angsty hoe to see Lucifer brooding over his daddy issues and self hatred coping mechanisms. But whatever he said the morning, was something to spiral over. The Devil running away? Well, he does run away from the problems, right? He ran away when that bitch of a momma Morningstar told him that his little Detective was a miracle. He rotted in that penthouse for weeks, and now he is off to Vegas. Great! Only if she could accompany him.

She won't.

She was not his servant anymore. And now that she has Linda with her, it would be healthier for her to stay in some positivity rather than jumping into the rabbit hole with her ex boss. But of course she will there for him when he needed her. She has sworn to his protection and she would do it. But wallowing into his self-pity, nah, not happpening. Quickly Maze pulled out her phone to send a text to Lucifer, before second thoughts gnaw at her.

Maze: Lucifer, you asked me to decide whether to accompany you there or not.

The reply came within seconds..

Lucifer: Yes, I did.

Maze: I will not go with you. I will stay at my Home, with Linda. 

Lucifer: Oh.

Lucifer: Whatever you desire...

Maze: Where are you anyways?

Lucifer: The Detective called. I am on my way to the crime scene.

Maze: Oh.. Back to being partner with Decker huh?

The three little dots appeared, showing he clearly read the message, but then he went offline. Typical Lucifer. At least he didn't send emojis.

Suddenly a large weight clang to her leg. Maze almost would have shifted to her defence position, but when she saw who was clinging to her, immediately she hugged her back.


"Hey Dummy! I missed you! " Trixie said. Still hugging Maze. Maze knelt down in front of her to be of the same height. Ecstasy filling her veins. She looked at those wide, round black eyes.. Oh how she missed her!

"I missed you to Little kid! And I am really sorry for  everything. I never meant those." Maze smiled back. And they pulled into an embrace again. Gosh, She was a demon! Yet seeing this little human made her heart flutter in a good way. What would she have done if Trixie didn't talk to her anymore! 

"I know silly! "

"So you.. You are not mad at me? " It was the second time in a day when Maze used this line.

"I can't be Mad at you Dummy! I love you! " Trixie gave her famous sunshine smile. And Maze laughed at that.

What a kid!

"You know I wanted to meet you and Lucifer so badly! But Mommy won't allow me. She didn't even like talking about you both! What happened to her? Why would she behave like that? " She whined.

"That's because your mother found out who we are. "

"That you are a demon and he is the Devil? " Trixie narrowed her eyes.. Maze regarded her for a moment. The kid is smart.

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