You devious little minx!

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Trixie was always smart. Even compared to the girls of her age, she has always been much more perceptive yet flexible. Unlike her mother, she was never stubborn with her beliefs, the reason she accepted Lucifer as the Devil was she saw his red eyes on the very first day. Yet she thought it was pretty cool to befriend the literal Devil. Maze was her best friend and also a demon, which means she would protect her at any cost! But her mother has always clung to her own belief of Lucifer being delusional and speaking in metaphors. The idea itself seemed odd to her, and as the days passed, she slipped that idea out of her mind. Yet she knew Lucifer and her mommy were kind of a ‘thing’ now. Come on! She has seen Hot tub high school at the age of seven! And now she was ten! She ought to know what a ‘thing’ is! There are boys in her school who wants her to be their girlfriend! And honestly, Trixie was beyond happy with the fact that Lucifer would be his step dad.

But then things changed drastically. One morning she saw Maze bashing her in front of her Dad, and then all she knew was her dad hated Lucifer, mommy fired him from work, he didn’t come for game nights anymore and well yes, Charlotte was dead. And the month followed by was miserable. She missed her Maze so much! Mommy seemed too much distant as if she was not her anymore, and suddenly she started being glib with her daughter. Her mommy was unintentionally drifting away from her, and she felt lonely.

Her Dad was in a full mourning mode. When she spent nights with her dad, they mostly munched on a sad flavoured ice cream and watched Titanic, snugged in a purple snuggie, and half an hour later he would go on a pee break and never return until she herself fell asleep.

With everything going on around, nobody cared how the little girl would get affected. She missed her mommy, daddy, Maze and Lucifer. When she asked about either of them, Chloe would distract her or ask her to shut it. And now she understood the reason.

This morning when she finally, finally, met Maze, she came to know about Lucifer’s departure. And with everything in mind, that little girl had a nice mission in her way. Bring everything back to normal.

It was one of the nights when she was about to stay with her dad. Her plan was simple – go and talk to Lucifer! Well not exactly going, but sneaking out, per se. With the knowledge of her dad’s plans she knew exactly what to do. She had already discussed it with Maze this morning. “Are you sure kid?” Maze asked and she confidently nodded a yes.

Sneaking out on Dan, was rather easier than sneaking out on Chloe. Chloe was always on her heels, and her sleep was really shallow – so one little sound and BAM! She was right in her room checking whether her daughter was okay. But with Dan, escaping was a cakewalk. She followed everything that the father-daughter did every day – talk about their usual day to day plans and then have a simple dinner and then go watch Titanic. This day was fast. Her dad was grumpy and only after fifteen minutes, he went on his apparent ‘pee break’ and closed the room door behind. Trixie quickly pulled out her phone and texted Maze,

Maze, you ready?

Yes Kid!

Okay, wait for another hour. Making sure he is asleep. Wait by the window by my room.

Keeping the phone aside, she waited for an hour, and then tiptoed into Dad’s room, finding him asleep, sprawled over his bed, tears all over his face. The little girl sighed, when was this going to end?!   She peeped back to the living room, carefully closing the door behind, switching off the television. She popped into her room, unmade her bed, wrapping a blanket over a pillow – a good substitute for a sleeping person,  she sneaked out through the window to find Maze standing beside it. She quickly gave a thumbs up and the demon smirked back.

“Taught you well kid!” Maze grinned proudly.

“That you have. Okay, so are we going to Lux now?” Trixie asked.

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