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Lucifer woke up with a warm sensation in his heart. The splendour of the rising sun peeped through the light curtains, illuminating the room in its own beauty. Mornings have never been better. Especially when a soft, warm body was lying on his chest, entangling its two hands around him, in a protective cocoon. It was not just anybody's body. It was Chloe , her head on his chest .


The most important person in his life, his paradise, Chloe was now lying on top of him in his bed in his bedroom. Last night was nothing like he expected, at all. Right from the beginning when Daniel left his penthouse he knew that Chloe would inevitably come. He awaited the conversation and he wanted her to hate him. He wanted to make all of these easier for her, no matter how difficult it was for him. It was going according to his plan but then...He didn't know how and when, he just...He just couldn't keep up with the indifference. He wanted to let his guard down and for once do what his heart truly wanted.

Lucifer smiled, 'Do', yes that was right. He indeed 'did' Chloe last night. And it was exhilarating. Not in a sexy way. But it was just...simply exhilarating. He never felt loved before; he never felt this happy before in his entire immortal life. The way she moaned his name; the way he caressed and worshipped her, the way she took care of his needs – Hands down, it was the best night of his life. Her name on his lips was a sacred chant and his name on her lips is his need. After all this, he felt complete. He felt invincible.

And now, she was sleeping on him, her hair spread out on his chest like rivulets of gold, her face was the picture of serenity as she mumbled incoherent words in her sleep and Lucifer could bet his soul that she was dreaming of last night. After all, it was Him who she slept with, the inventor of Sex himself. He watched her sleep for another few minutes, taking in her beauty. This time, he had no 'mum' to throw their relationship out of the window, no more new information to break his heart, no more Candy to hurt her and no more fear of his being the Devil. They were perfect, in their own little bubble.

No wait...

They were not 'perfect'.

He was not 'perfect'.

How many times will I get burnt because of you?

I know you don't love me ..

You were right. All those years ago, when you told me at the beach that you are not worth it.

The words were like a bottle of bane forced down his throat. He could feel its venom spreading through his veins, its coldness settling in his gut and suddenly as if the fear choking his throat.

What if he really wasn't worth it? What if the Detective would realise it soon and think that it's over? What if he really did burn her? He was the Devil, after all! All he did was burn everything that he touched. What if...he ruined Chloe like everything else?

The thoughts whirled inside his head li ke a destructive cyclone. He might have flinched involuntarily because Chloe stirred awake.

" 'od ' orning ..." She mumbled sleepily, half opening her sleepy eyes to look at him. Dad, she was beautiful! She did funny things to him and his heart. Because right then, seeing her all groggy and so close to him, feeling her breaths on his face – his stomach made somersaults. Damn his dad!

No, it was a beautiful moment and he wouldn't ruin it with his own insecurities. His fear. He wouldn't. If Chloe was here, with him, it was her choice. She told him that she loved him and he believed her.

What would happen when she would realise he wasn't worth it?

Lucifer forcefully shoved that tiny voice deep down in his mind and forced himself to smile at her. She deserved his every attention. He would do anything and everything in his power to become her worthy. Because if he didn't...He shook his head, not allowing himself to finish that thought.

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