Guardian Angel.

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Few hours earlier..

Ella absent mindedly stroked a white glowing feather as she thought about everything that happened in the last month. It was way past midnight and she was up all night in her house going through the certain piece of evidence which already hit a dead end a month ago. The feathers extracted from the crime scene of Pierce case, were literally the evidence of the most different specie of the world. The specie with highest chromosome number, the real GLOWING feather with a healing property - Yes, that was right! When they first extracted the feathers, they were covered with blood and the rims were broken.. But after a few hours, it seemed that the rims have started growing again.. It hardly took a full day for it to go back being the perfect white feather she had ever seen. The feathers were ridiculously long, almost the length of her forearms.. She had searched up all the animal databases, google and every science encyclopedia to know about that feather before she hit the dead end. Dan tried to make out whether Pierce, rather the Sinnerman's network dealt with it, but all they got was a zilch. As options were running out, new cases dropped  in and that meant keeping the feathers aside and examine the other sorts of evidence. Talking to Lucifer might have helped, knowing that he was the only one present when Pierce died and he could have possibly account for the feathers and the ridiculously unique knife. In spite of his crazy 'Method actor' fetish, Ella really respected him. Loved him like her big brother. And with him gone, she felt a void in her heart, and she was worried sick.

She visited LUX twice before, every week. But that handsome bartender told her that his Boss had placed a security code to the elevator of the penthouse and had stopped seeing everyone, even making appearances to the parties.. Seeing Lucifer, well not practically seeing but hearing about him doing these things practically shattered her heart. And it broke even more seeing that Chloe was acting so indifferent. 
Yes, acting.
Because deep down she knew Chloe was suffering too. She knew how the detective missed her civilian consultant and more importantly her best friend.

What possible one little fight could do to them, that they grew so apart from each other now?

It was all too much.. She needed to see Lucifer, she needed to know about the feathers, she needed to patch Deckerstar up and she needed to do her job!

"Big guy! I know we are on the Rocky grounds now, but if... If you are trying to make amends with me, then at least give me sign what should I do? !! " Ella sighed, dumping her head on the top of the table.

"Hey Lopez. " A voice from behind startled her, almost making her fall from the chair. She very well knew whose voice that was.

Rae Rae.

Of course! Ghost rule number 1: Wait for the creepiest moment to scare the shit out of someone..

"Ray Ray! What are you doing here? Are you stalking me again? " Ella said bumpily, placing the feather on the table gently she walked up to her near the door..

"Nope.. Just heard you call out. " She said.

"Well, I wasn't calling you, for your kind info. But I suppose I could use a friend now. " Ella sighed..

"Yepss, thats what I am here for. Remember the 'have your back' thingy? "

"Yeah.. It's just so many things are going on! Since Charlotte's death.." Ella trailed off as she realised her friend might not know who Charlotte was. "Uh.. Charlotte is a close friend of mine, well everyone's-"

"Yeah I know. "

Wait.. How did she know?
Maybe Charlotte was a ghost too and they met in their world? Whatever it might be, Ella refused to walk on that particular line of thought. First things first.

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