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"What?" Chloe grinned in her driver's seat, deliberately keeping her eyes straight on the road. But she could feel him staring at her. Nope, scratch that. Gazing at her dreamily. She knew Lucifer all to well to know what was going on in his mind, like a video player. His lips were kiss swollen and red from her previous attack at the precinct garage and his hair was sticking out in all direction resulting from the constant run down of her hand in his hair. The kiss they shared earlier was so passionate and desperate, she almost tore his shirt apart and he? He almost bent her in half and took her then and there.


Fortunately, or unfortunately, they heard footsteps just at the time and she retreated. Lucifer was an exhibitionist but that was her work place, for G-Devil's sake! She would have landed in grave trouble if someone noticed. And now, she could feel the consequence of her decision.

Her crotch was throbbing painfully with need and judging by the bulge in his pant, he too wasn't that comfortable, per se. Yet, the look on his face showed pure bliss. And she couldn't help smiling back. He looked so adorable! And she wondered if she could love him anymore than she did right then.

"What?" He repeated, smiling slightly and dazed.

"You are staring."

"So? You are my girlfriend and you are mine. I can ogle you as much as I desire." He countered. "But darling, you look uncomfortable." Damn right she was. She rubbed her legs together to gain some friction and then hit the gas pedal to speed the car up. She needed to find an alley. Now.

He had the nerve to smirk. That smug bastard.

"You don't look comfortable yourself, Lucifer." She reached out and cupped him through his pants. He gasped and jumped on his seat, clutching the dashboard hard enough to leave a dent. She smirked back. "What happened, Lucifer? You look flushed?" She mocked innocence and Lucifer's face reddened even more.

"You cheeky little-"

"Devil's girlfriend?" She grinned at him and the look in his eyes was enough to make her heart melt. He was looking at her with all the adoration and awe in the world. Like she was the one who lit up his existence. Maybe she was. But he was the same to her. They had wasted so much time apart. His insecurities, her fear and then their mind blockage- all of them had taken so much away from them. But then again, he was now hers and she was his. They were together and that's all that mattered.

Right, first things first.

She need turned the car to the nearest alley. It was dark and desolate. Perfect. Nobody to disturb them.

Chloe didn't waste another second before turning off the engine and reaching to him. She pulled herself from her seat and struggled into the little space to sit on his lap. He took her willingly, his pupils blown wide in desire and she could feel her having the same. Crashing her lips on his, she struggled to unbuckled his belt and open the buttons and zip. He filled her mouth with his tongue, swiping beneath her teeth and reaching every corner with practiced precision. A low, needy moan escaped her throat and his mouth turned upwards in hers while he cradled the back of her head, pressing her more into him to gain a better access. She rolled her hips so that her center was directly on his hard, throbbing length. Fuck! She could feel the heat of his erection through their fabrics as well and it was his turn to moan.

He adjusted in his seat so that she could lower his pants down and his cock sprang free. She continued kissing him all the while stroking his cock.

"Chloe..." He moaned in her mouth. His hand left her head, snaking down her body to work on her jeans. Soon, it was out their way too followed by her underpants. She was dripping wet and hot for him. Lucifer gasped as his nimble fingers reached her slick fold and started rubbing it. "Oh, you are so wet for me, love."

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