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Carrying an angel baby wasn't an easy task especially when you don't know what exactly to expect. When you just got to know that there might be a heavy chance of delivering a boy with Wings! Linda took a deep breath; getting hyper won't do her any good. The doctor had already suggested her to meditate and keep any kind of stress at bay.

And it seemed that baby-proofing the ceiling wasn't that a bad idea. For the past hour that's what she had been doing and thanks to Amenadiel, he was always there to help her. To be frank, she was quite afraid when she got to know that Amenadiel was MIA and she was pregnant. Since everything with Maze, their relationship was hardly romantic; besides a small part of her was worried that he might leave her alone with the baby. But yet again, the Angel stayed by her side sharing all her load. Over the years, Lucifer wasn't the only one who had changed dynamically. Amenadiel's growth was impressive as well. The same 'Dr Canaan' who used her to manipulate his brother in returning to hell, never giving a damn about other's feelings, was now standing beside her with a proud fatherly smile admiring his own handiwork.

Warmth flooded in her belly as the thought of their baby boy in her arms, cooing in-coherent words passed her mind. More warmth flooded as she imagined the child's father standing beside her protectively enveloping them in his strong, stout arms.

"We will get through this, won't we?" She neared the distance between them, placing a hand on his forearm. Even if their relationship was mostly platonic, especially since Maze lives with them, her feelings for him were still intact.

Amenadiel shot her a warm look, eyes twinkling with joy, "Yes. Yes we will." And she smiled. "Oh! I completely forgot, I appointed a 'how to be a father' class. It's in an hour."

Linda stifled an amusing laugh; oh how adorable he can be! Amenadiel was trying so hard to be a father. Of course he tried everything in his own angelic way and she loved him for that. " Amenadiel, I am very sure that you will make an excellent dad." She squeezed his forearm promising assurance.

He exhaled, "I don't even know where to start Linda. We were never...children. We were grown up when we were made and Father wasn't exactly there with us. So I am completely inexperienced. What if I fail him? What if I fail you Linda?" His eyes widened with a simmering panic and Linda squeezed him a bit tighter.

"You won't. I know you won't."

They didn't speak any more, their eyes doing all the work. Like an invisible bond she felt their face coming closer and her eyes fluttered close. She could feel the hot, quivering breaths on her face and her stomach flip-flopped with anticipation (or maybe the baby was excited too).

The doorbell rang, startling both of them. And just like that the moment broke, so did their little bubble. Awkwardly Amenadiel pulled away from her and she felt her face reddening up.

"I am...answering the door." He scrambled away towards the door and Linda couldn't help but sigh.

She heard them before actually seeing from the living room.

"Luci? Are you okay? You don't look good." She heard Amenadiel saying to the Door. The other person said something in return which she couldn't hear

Linda frowned, Lucifer didn't have an appointment until Saturday and it was only Thursday; besides she only met him yesterday at his penthouse. And from what Amenadiel's tone suggested, Lucifer was in a greater turmoil with his emotions than his appearance. Lately he had been struggling a lot with Chloe's rejection to his devil wings; all their progression in some way had taken a major backlash and she had been really worried about his mental health.

With an ungraceful stride Lucifer walked through the door, shoving past Amenadiel. That's when she noticed; describing him as 'utterly dishevelled' was an understatement. His suit and vest coat was gone and was replaced with an extremely wrinkled grey shirt. His hair was a mess and something about his eyes gave a chill down her spine. His soulful brown eyes were lifeless, red-ringed. It was almost like the last night when she found him at his penthouse, when he was devastated with his devil wings. But unlike yesterday, his eyes had a sense of panic which she didn't see before.

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