Wrecking Ball

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When the hard ground touched his feet, gaining his balance, Amenadiel furled his wings behind his shoulders. He just landed on the balcony of Lucifer’s penthouse, the city lights of the night illuminating the otherwise dark balcony. He probably needed a shower. Not that he was dirty , he was the cleanest possible, in his favourite robe and very happily spent the last one week in his home, the Silver City. The heaven. Time goes faster in heaven, so it was much longer on earth. How long was it?

After seeing dear Charlotte off, he spent some time with his siblings. He missed them so much! The clouds, the whiteness, the serenity – these were what the Silver city consisted. It was peaceful. And Amenadiel spent his time in peace up there. But…something was amiss. He missed peace, but up there he was missing the warmth. The human warmth, their love, their excitement and smiles and everything! For the first time in millennia, he missed earth. As happy he was, wandering the silver pavements with his siblings, reading the enochian books, flying around, stretching its wings, doing everything one can do in that paradise, - it never felt ‘home’. He was desiring this for a long time, since his fall – to go back to the Silver City, but now, he just felt like a guest there, coming for a vacation. NO. Lucifer was right. Earth was amazing! People here are amazing! And this..this felt home.

Taking a long, relaxing breath, Amenadiel strolled into the penthouse, with a smile pinned on his face.

“Luci, you here?” He shouted, and the reply was his echo back in the penthouse. The penthouse was empty, probably Lucifer was on his job, with Chloe. He was rather busy, it seems. With a small sigh at the disappointment in not seeing his brother first, he walked to the bathroom. It was huge! Of course it was huge! It was lucifer’s washroom!

Putting his robe aside, he walked into the shower, setting the water to a warm setting, he let his body, relax under the dripping water. Now that felt heavenly! How can the angels never think of having a warm shower up there? It was so relaxing!

After 15 minutes of a long, long shower, he finally let himself leave the bathroom, rolling the softest towel around his waist loosely, he strolled up to the walk in closet of his brother. He couldn’t go out in that robe. He needed a change of dress. There were like 1500s of suits in his closets! Maybe even more shirts! Who arranges the closet according to shades of colour!? From the lightest shade of white, to the darkest shade of black, everything was arranged in line.  Below the hangers, where the garments bags hung, were a traffic jam of pocket squares, all aligned perfectly to each other. And on the lowest rack remains the line of shoes and socks, colour sorted and matched with every pair of socks. Amenadiel rolled his eyes and deep laughter rolling behind his throat.

“Ofcourse, typical Luci.” He shook his head in amusement. “Where are his casuals?!”

After a few minutes of exploring, the angel finally found a wall cupboard…inside the closet? With Casuals. Very very high quality casuals – leather jackets, woollen business casuals, his night wears, silk robes, boxers, and silk and cotton slippers, and the softest jeans. He took a moment to imagine Lucifer in a casual coffee coloured jeans and white business casual and messy spiked hair..He looked too good, yet somehow out of character. Shaking his head out of the thought, Amenadiel took out a red jacket, a black t-shirt and a random jeans.

Getting ready, he had his first destination in mind – Linda.

The ride to her office was in vain, Amenadiel didn’t find her. So he took off for her house. He knocked the door gently and waited. After a few minutes, the door opened. Linda stood in front of him. Father! She was beautiful. She was in her pajamas with unkempt hair, but she was gorgeous.

“Amenadiel!” A bright smile appeared on her face as she quickly moved forwards to hug the angel in front of her.

“Hey, Linda. How are you? How long has it been here?” Amenadiel returned the hug and entered.

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