Emotionally stunted asshole!

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"You have been blaming Lucifer for Charlotte's death. But I don't think that's the case here. You don't blame Lucifer. You want to blame him because you blame yourself..."

Linda's words reverberated within the walls of his mind, disturbing him to the very core. The first day to his session and Dan was already made to face the hardest truth he had been pushing away from. Well it wasn't Linda's fault, was it? She was merely a guide, who helped him come to the most painful realisation.

It was true, though. He had been blaming Lucifer since day one, lashing out on him at every chance and now even insulting him like a dick in front of the whole precinct. He did it because it felt nice. It felt nice to blame someone, to drown out that constant cacophony of voices telling him that he was to blame for Charlotte and not Lucifer.

He did take up Ella's advice and visited Linda for therapy. The moment the doctor saw him, her mouth turned downwards evidently showcasing her disapproval on his recent behaviour. Of course the doctor knew. Lucifer was her patient too and of course he would share the information to his therapist. Dan had apologized for his behaviour to the doctor, but she just looked at him with concern, silently asking that it was not her he needed to apologise to. Same thing that Ella had told him, same thing that Chloe told him.

The same thing that he knew he had to. And he knew that apologising to everyone else instead of Lucifer was his own way of stalling.

The Consultant had grown dormant after that incident. It had been a week he hadn't seen Lucifer around the precinct. A part of him was relieved to know that the self-proclaimed Devil wasn't around, yet another part of him drowned in the guilt that he might be the cause that Lucifer wasn't there anymore. Of course who would be if he was subjected to tyranny in his workplace?

It was a relief that Chloe didn't hate him completely for dismissing her partner, although she had been acting cold towards him. Often he would find her staring at the empty chair beside her desk – Lucifer's chair. And often she would scroll through their friendship's evidences in her gallery. He knew what it meant. It meant that Lucifer hadn't reached out to her and maybe Dan was responsible in creating this wedge between the partners. He couldn't be angrier at himself.

On top of everything, Lucifer's confession that day made his heart sink with dread – what did he mean by leaving LA? He said that he would leave LA within two weeks. And one week had already passed by....

As much as he disliked the Consultant, the thought of him leaving LA made his stomach churn unpleasantly. Once upon a time, Lucifer had been a good friend of his; he had gone to extreme ends to save his ex-wife and sometimes Lucifer would act like he was the only one who could empathise with him. But then Charlotte happened and their friendship got thrown out of the window. Now, upon thinking, was it really Lucifer's fault that their friendship ended?

No, it wasn't.

In fact, Lucifer was ever-ready to share the proverbial olive branch, it was only him who had refused to accept it. But now, was the time to change it, wasn't it?

So, there he was, in the small cabin of Lux elevator riding up to the penthouse, rote learning a stupid apology speech. It was Friday and Dan thought that perhaps Lux was blooming with patrons. But that'd not been the case. When he reached Lux, after his work schedule – thank god it was a paperwork day – and when he found the club complete empty, he was flabbergasted. On top of that, the piano in the center of the club was missing. What did he miss?

There was no Patrick to greet him or Maze to snarl upon him. The Elevator doors remained open and he found his way up smoothly, with nothing but a palpitating heart. The ride seemed eternity, before the Elevator opened with a ding.

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