Weirdness averted

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The next morning, when Lucifer woke up, got dressed for the precinct he had expected it to be a usual day where Chloe would greet him professionally and be back to keep her distance from him. Given the way they separated the earlier night, he wasn’t even sure she would even talk straight to him. Although the voicemail Chloe sent last night, did partly prove that she was more worried than angry, but that didn’t help to resettle the sinking feeling in his stomach.

That was the one thing he hated. To make Chloe worry, that too for him! He ditched the precinct the previous morning and then didn’t have enough courtesy to even inform the Detective or call her back. He was completely knackered by the outburst and the self-depreciating ‘breakthrough’ and as soon as Linda left, he found himself asleep/ pass out cold…and that too without being drunk.

And in morning, when he got out of his bed, he still felt like shit – but it wasn’t as bad as yesterday. Maybe some distraction would help. And a jolly good murder was a good distraction. At least the precinct would be noisy. He, alone along with his own thoughts – was a very dangerous notion.

This morning turned out weirder than expected.

While making his way towards the Detective’s desk in the precinct, he half expected to be yelled at or a brief sarcastic ‘Lucifer, so good for you to show your face’ from Chloe. What he didn’t expect was to see her smiling all teeth at him, as if he was the most precious thing in the world.


It was weird.

Lucifer resisted the urge to frown at her or show his simmering confusion…gift horse and all that. If the Detective was really not cross with him, then he should be relieved. But…the way Chloe was looking at him…nay adoring him – no no no no, the concept itself was weird.

“Good morning Detective, I hope I am not late.” He said, keeping her favourite tall almond milk latte with sugar free caramel drizzle on the table.

“Oh, you are right on time Lucifer…and thank you for this coffee. It’s perfect.”


Not until today she had ever appreciated him for her coffee.

Lucifer smiled awkwardly – the best he could muster. Had he taken something? And it was affecting him too much with the Detective around? Was he hallucinating? Probably…

And then he noticed – like actually noticed. The Detective was wearing a dark coloured crisp shirt – a new shirt, and a blue jeans. She had a fish tail braid which looked elegant on her. AND she wore eyeliner and a peach shade lipstick – slightly more coloured than her usual one. She spent an extra hour grooming, doing makeup for looking good. And she looked beautiful!

Lucifer found himself staring at her with his jaws open. He should not look at Chloe, like that. They were just partners, nothing else. And right now he was looking at her like he was enchanted by her beauty.  Oh dad! Why did she have to be the Aphrodite herself?!
He kept on looking at her entranced until he found her cheeks and nose turning beet red and she quickly looked down. And wait…. Was she smiling? She caught him gaping at her like a teenage dullard and she was smiling?! So much for Devil’s reputation.

Great! It got awkward now.

If it would have been earlier in their partnership, he would definitely comment on her looks as a friend. But right now, he wasn’t sure anymore whether he was her friend or not. He didn’t want to mislead their conversation. The Detective wanted space from him and he would not ruin her trust by letting his pesky emotionality between them. Should he compliment? He should complement? What if she minded anything? It was just a compliment! Come on, he could do it!

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