Chapter 1: You'll Never Forget

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Your probaly all wondering how this turned out to be and so am i

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Your probaly all wondering how this turned out to be and so am i...

Elaya POV:

The day started out as normal on a very hot spring day like everyday in Argard. Me and Thor battling to see who would win, Loki and me sharing stories and books that we found in our favourite place, the library. But one thing was on my mind the whole time something that my uncle Odin had arranged for me.

An Arranged Marriage.

A friend of Odin son and I who was a disgusting foul pig, though i was not allowed to use those words because I had to be Royal like being the daughter of Vili, the brother of Odin.

I didn't want it.

I wanted to live the rest of my life being free with a family who I loved, not in a sick marriage with someone i didn't. That was the one thing i wanted in life, true love like my mother and father had but i wasn't allowed and i always wondered why and i soon found out why!

A few hours prior that very day I had a conversation with my father

" Father I really don't want this" I said to him while we gathered in the beautiful Asgard garden, a place where Loki and I read a lot in.

" You don't want what my daughter? said my father who was a very wise man with long white hair which resembled clouds and a personality that could lighten any day.

" This arranged marriage father I want true love you know I do" I said quietly so nobody's heard.

" But my daughter you have to it's  the All Fathers Wish" my father said shocking me, knowing he want like this normally.

" Well if I don't want to I don't I really don't want to do this " I exclaimed to him.

" but my daughter you are the goddess of watchfulness and truth and it's your choice for what you want to do so I'm going to believe you because your my daughter" I look at him with hope and love.

And I shouldn't have trusted him and had hope because my father was very loyal to his brother and my father did something I'd never thought he would do and he did that exact thing...

He betrayed me!

[Present Time,(year 1938)]

This is how I ended up here, in the middle of nowhere in a leaf littered lake.

Getting up from the the rock that I was laying on from falling I had no idea how long I'd been laying there for.

" where the hell am I?" I said to myself

Hard thumping footsteps came from behind me I quickly turned around in battle mode ready to attack anyone who were to face me then I realised it was a woman, with luscious dark brown hair in an updo with weird clothing and a man, with a tie and a dark moustache.

I was very confused

"Are you alright ma'am" said the man quickly and loudly.

The Woman sending me concerned glances quickly looking down on me then she looked shocked.

"Oh my god your bleeding" she said worriedly with a slight weird accent like mine.

I quickly looked down at my leg to see red blood oozing out of a deep wound I didn't even realise i had, I've been too shocked to notice.

" I'm alright thank you ——?" I said not knowing her name.

"Peggy, Peggy Carter"

"And you" I said to the man.

"Howard Stark ma'am" the man said moving quickly to me as he saw that I was slipping fast into the water.

"Thank you kind sir" I said fading slowly

"We better get that checked out now shouldn't we" Howard said.

But I didn't hear him as I slipped unconscious falling into his arms, in the background I could hear them trying to wake me up I tried so hard to but I couldn't but I knew I wouldn't be unconscious for long....

What do you think of it so far?

( Chapter 1 of this book done
tell me if there's any corrections to be made and I hope you enjoy)
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