Chapter 3: Coney Island

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[(Brooklyn, Newyork) (1942)]

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[(Brooklyn, Newyork) (1942)]

Coming around the bend of the road with this man on my arm i remember something and asked.

" hey, um what's your name? I'm Elaya!"

The young man looked my way quickly that it would give me whiplash

" I'm Steve miss, um Steve Rogers" He said stuttering out again.

" Oh.. we're saying last names so Elaya Adley and its nice to meet you Steve" I said to him walking up the steps to my little house.

I Open the door and held it open for Steve to come through. Quickly helping Steve sit down on my cream couch I ran to my medical cupboard to grab plasters and wipes to clean his cuts and bruises. Coming back I see Steve gazing around my living room and up at my paintings on the blue coloured wall.

" did you paint these? There amazing " he said to me, while I made my way over.

" yeah I did, thank you" I exclaimed to him, cleaning up his cuts, he winced and I quickly apologise.

" it's alright, been through this before" when he said that I stopped what I was doing and looked at him with a sad face and asked.

" you've been through this before? what happened in that alleyway Steve." I sadly said to him.

He bowed his head slowly and I was about to tell him that he didn't have to tell me because I know it must be hard.

" i u-um was coming out of a registration office because ma'am I want to be in the army but I can't (moving his hand up and down his body) so I was making my way back home to have dinner with Bucky who I was going to meet when I saw a-a man trying to pick-pocket a lady and I said some words that I shouldn't of and it happened and I triggered this" Steve said, breathing pretty fast again.

I sat down next to him and put my arms around his shoulders rubbing them up and down, comforting him.

"It's okay, your safe now" I said, getting up slowly and putting the rubbish in the bin and sitting back down.

" We should get you home shouldn't we, this Bucky is probably waiting" i suggested.

" y-yeah I should, I bet Bucky is worried like he always is" Steve said getting but stumbled and I steadied him and we made out way to the door and out.

Walking down the cobbled stone pathway we made our way to a nice apartment building, where we saw a man pacing back and forth with a worried look on his face, I assumed from the look on Steve's face this must be Bucky.

"Buck!" Steve shouted out.

Bucky turned around with a confused but shocked look on his face, making his way over he took a one look at Steve's  face, a knowing look made it's way onto his face and then he looked to me and said to Steve.

" Who's this fine lady" Bucky said as he turned to me and says.

" Bucky, Bucky Barnes doll" taking my hand and kissing it softly. I smiled to him and opened my mouth to say my name.

" im—" I was going to say but Steve interrupted me.

" This is Elaya Adley, who let's just say u-um saved my life basically I-I mean not really but u-umm" Steve murmured, sounding like he was nervous.

" That's why you got bruising and cuts all over your face isn't it, but thank you doll" Bucky spoke out to me and Steve.

" no problem I'm glad I could help! , well I should get going it was nice to meet you both" turning away and walking but I was stopped when I heard Steve call out. I spun around to see and him shout.

" hey, u-um to thank you for saving my life, maybe you would like to come to Coney Island with Bucky and I"

" what's that" I shouted back to him. Bucky and Steve looked at each other with a weird look then I realise that I shouldn't of said that.

" Yeah sure I'll come" I shouted back, making my way over and we all made our way in a direction which I assumed was where Coney Island was with Bucky leading.

[(Coney Island Brooklyn, Newyork)]

Going around all the amusements was fun and different for me, I've never experienced a thing like this before.
We all got to this one ride called the Cyclone and Steve's face dropped.

"You okay" I said to him, putting my hand on his shoulder.

" yeah, this ride looks u-um not for me I guess" Steve explains, moving away from the ride coming up.

Bucky turned around from in front of us and put his arms around me & Steve abs pulls us towards the Cyclone.

"This is going to be fun" Bucky says as he moves to the ride excitedly, looking like a little child.

Sitting down on that ride was graphic, Steve was shaking and I had no clue how to help him as I was as scared. The only thing I could do was to hold his hand and that's exactly what I did. Steve looked at me and I gave him a timid smile and he gave me one back, tightening his fingers around mine.

Coming of the cyclone was horrific. Steve rushed out of the ride. Me and Bucky ran to find him throwing up in a bin, going to him i rubbed his back until he stopped and turned to Bucky giving him a ' told you I was going to throw up' and Bucky just looked down and a smirk appeared on his face.

That when I knew we were all going to be the best of friends.

( Chapter 3 of this book done
tell me if there's any corrections to be made and I hope you enjoy I also apologise for me keep uploading it these parts of this book)
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