Chapter 15: "Put On The Suit"

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[(Helicarrier, New York)]

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[(Helicarrier, New York)]

Being smart is one personality trait that anyone would want. But what if that smart is for things very old not new? The Tesseract dates back thousands of years. It was in Odin possession until he sent it to earth. But you wouldn't think that the cube would be able to make weapons that have destructive power?

Splitting off from Steve, I wondered around to see if anything else was being used by the cube to generate power. Going past many agents, I got many questionable stares probably because they did not know who I was or how I got there.

Not finding anything, I made my way back to the room Tony was once in. However, I noticed once I got close that there was a random flying vehicle in the sky.

Not taking my eyes off of it, I watched as many people got out of the aircraft with weapons and looked like they were about to start firing.

My impulses took over and I started running. I ran past the main control centre and directly to the lab only to see them all having an argument.

"Guys...." " GUYS!" They all turned to me, startled by my shout.

However, I had just got there late. They were already here, and were coming straight towards us.

"WATCH OUT!" I shouted as a powerful blast sent all of us to the ground.

As I opened my eyes, I saw nothing but smoke, fire and the outside world through holes made by the destruction.

"Hey, hey Laya come on up you get!" A voice was heard coming closer to me. Gripping under my arms I was pulled up and into someone.

"You okay?" Nodding my head, to the voice that I soon made out to be Steve's.

"Put on the suit!" Steve said, still hanging onto my shoulders.

"Yeah" Tony answered.

Finally getting stable on my feet, we all rushed to get ready.


Separating from Tony and Steve, it was my mission to find Phil Coulson who I got told was alone and could be in danger. Searching every possible place for him, he was nowhere to be seen. More shots and explosions were fired, hearing a bang go from Loki cell, I ran inside to see Phil with a big powered gun pointed directly at Loki and Thor trapped in Loki's cell.

"Do you want to find out?" Phil exclaimed, powering up the weapon.

For a few seconds, i took notice that wasn't Loki infront it was an illusion. I knew what Loki was about to do and I want going to let it happen.

Rushing over, with all my might I grabbed Phil by his arm and pushed his down to the ground only for a sharp tingling feeling to go through my back and that's when I went to the floor.

"NOOO!" I heard Thor scream. I was dragged over to the sideline before getting positioned to sit against the railing.

"Laya..... ELAYA!" The ear piece sounded, already fading away but staying strong I responded.

"Hm-mum.... Ye-eah" I said in a soft and slow voice.

In the background I could here someone explaining what had happened, and I felt a hand was placed onto my wound. Looking up I caught the eyes of Phil.

"Your going to be okay! You here me?" the voice sounded again.

"Hmm I-I'll try I prom-mise!" As I said those words I felt myself go but not for long.


Narrator POV

Nick Fury rushed to the scene after he heard about Elaya saving Phil but was stabbed by Loki's Scepter in the process. Everyone heard about it. Phil, who was with Elaya, told everyone. Steve was heartbroken.
When Fury arrived a few minutes, he found Phil on the sitting on the ground with his hand rests against Elaya wound that with spilling out blood and I didn't seem to look like it was going to stop.

Making his way over, he put his two fingers up to her Throat to feel for a pulse.

He found a very faint one but it was very there.

Seizing her up by the legs and arms, Nick lifted Elaya up in bridal carry. With Phils hands on her wound and Nick carrying her they made there way out quick to the medical bay.

Once arriving, they were faced with all the Avengers and Doctors, who started to set up for a emergency surgery. Her pulse was still there, but only vaguely. The sun shine through the windows of the medical area of the ship. But it seemed like it was shining straight down upon Elaya.

A miracle had happened.

She had woken up.


Elaya's POV

My head was pounding hard. It felt like I had been hit by a load of bricks at once. The light was harsh upon my eyes when I opened them. A weight was upon my hand, It felt gentle and caring to be there. It took a couple blinks before I got used to the light. I looked to my side to see a figure but my vision was still blurry to see. I looked to the other side before attempting to get up, but the pain was immense.

"Hey.. lay back down. Elaya!"

Not listening to anyone or even looking to see who spoke, I ripped the hospital gown around my stomach to see something you wouldn't expect to see. The wound was repairing itself until there was no wound at all.

That's when I knew that everyone saw it happen and that they knew...

I wasn't human like everyone else on Midgard.

I wasn't human like everyone else on Midgard

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( The fourth chapter of TA is done.
Tell me if there's any corrections to be made. I also apologise for me editing parts of this book).
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And I hope you enjoy! :)

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