Chapter 4: Stark Expo

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I apologise for the long chapter up ahead hope you enjoy!

I apologise for the long chapter up ahead hope you enjoy!

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[( Brooklyn, New York) (1943)]

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[( Brooklyn, New York) (1943)]

Bucky and Steve became my friends. Me and Steve became even closer, helping him with trying to get into the army & his Asthma. We have been going to the movies and diners together and having absolute fun .
One day while messing around with Steve at my home, a knock sounded at the door, getting up from the ground where we were pillow fighting, something I didn't know how to play, I opened the door to see a letter sitting on my door mat.
Picking it up from the ground and closing the door, Steve must of seen my confused face and came up to face me. I opened up the envelope slowly so I don't tear it, I pulled out a letter from Dr. Abraham Erskine or Abe as I call him who Peggy and I managed to save from Someone and bought him to the US from Europe. He wanted me to to come back to New Jersey to help him find someone who was willing to take his super soldier serum. I knew that he wanted to test the serum again and I would help him do it. Looking up from the letter I heard Steve state.

"What's it say" I passed the letter to him and turned and sat down.

He took the letter and began to read until the paper, suddenly flew from his hands onto the floor and Steve turned to me with a sad expression and said

"Your leaving.." ,  he moved and sat beside me and looked to me waiting for an answer.

"Yeah-h I kinda have to but don't worry I'll back before you know it and we'll send letters to each other" I explained to him, wrapping my arms around his waist and put my head on his shoulder and he put his head on mine.

"You don't know that, y-you might g-get hurt and I—-"

"I'll be fine, I promise you'll have Bucky here and maybe you might get in the army and see me." I said to him with hope, though him shaking his head.

" I hope but probably not but I'll miss you"

" I'll miss you to my superhero"


Making my way up to the big dull building in front of me, I get pulled into someone's arms and I knew who's they were from the perfume coming from them. I smiled and hugged back tighter.

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