Chapter 19: Explanation

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[(Stark Tower, New York)]

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[(Stark Tower, New York)]

As Tony said, we had shawarma after the attack. The shop was a mess but they allowed us to eat there.

"Okay, Laya spill" Tony stated, as the Avengers and I walked into Stark Tower which was destroyed due to the attack.

"Spill what?" I asked, acting confused. I knew what Tony was going on about but I didn't know if I wanted to spill even though I said I would.

"Your powers, that came out your hand. It look cool" Clint claimed, moving his fingers around.

"Yeah cool!..." I whisper, gazing down at my hands as we sat down around a table that wasn't smashed to pieces.

"So.... how you get them? How are you related to point break here? Tell us your life story!" Tony questioned, relaxing with a drink and getting comfortable.

"I...I um.." I stuttered, forgetting what was being said as memories flashed into my mind. That day was unforgettable. Blood, a body, uncontrollable lights and shaking hands.

"Cousin?" "Laya" "Elaya"

Snapping out my mind, i gaze up from my hands to see six pairs of eyes looking to me with confused and worried expressions. I moved my eyes back down.

"You okay?" Steve questioned getting up and bowing down in front of me, placing his hand on my knee.

"Yeah I'm fine, It's not something i like to talk about, it's um quite.. graf.... you don't want to know. The only thing I can tell you is that one moment I was happy and the next time I had these powers that I didn't know I had" I said, bringing my hands up and swirling my fingers making blue energy appear.

"Um so, I used my 'powers' for the first time today in more than a century. So yeah that's about it I'll tell you maybe about it when the time comes.." I trailed off, not liking to talk about it, turning to see all but two with wide eyes and the two with concerned looks.

"Okay....? So how do you and point break know each other?" Tony asked, moving at the end of his seat, hands together.

"Oh, we're related!" A laugh escapes my mouth.

"He's my cousin. His dad and mine are brothers!" Tony's mouth gaped open.

"Wow! Um...." I cut Tony of last minute.

"I'm also Tony's godmother due to me being very close to his father" I gave Tony a smirk as a scowl appeared on his face. He didn't want me to say that.

The who group let out laughter, that was heard all around the room.


The room split off, Tony went to fix his suit which Bruce wanted to see, Nat and Clint went to train and Thor adventured to speak to Loki. Leaving only me and Steve.

"I know I keep asking this but I'm going to keep doing it. Are you okay?" Steve placed his body next to mine, keeping his hand in my knee.

"Yes, I'm fine don't worry" placing my hand on his.

"So what did you do while I wasn't here" Steve asked, leaning back on the sofa. I paused. Without Steve being there was very hard, he was my right hand man.

"Well, not much Peggy, Howard, Phillips and I founded an organisation which is  S.H.E.I.L.D in the early 50s" seeing Steve's shocked face I responded.

"Yeah, I know big shock. I was made co director with Peg, through it all I was still an agent. Then 20 years or so later, Tony was born. Howard wanted me to be his godmother and I said yes straight away, I mean who wouldn't he was such a cute baby" I let out a happy sigh, thinking about when I first help him in my arms.

"Did y-you meet anyone" rotating my head, I could see Steve was embarrassed as to why he said that.

"Not at all, I guess I was just waiting and always will for that one person who I've always wanted"

"Who....." I cut Steve off before he continued. I know realises I made it obvious that I like/love someone.

"Anyways enough about me, how'd you feel when you woke" I asked Steve.

"Well when woke up, I was in a room that was very plain and there was a radio playing and something didn't feel right and I left but I ended up in the middle of Times Square and was found by Fury. I asked for you, you know" Steve looked to me with a sad expression.

"You did?" I wouldn't of thought he'd ask for me as soon as he woke up. Why would he?

"Yeah but Fury said you left. Where were you?"

"I was Home. I saw my little brother, who isn't little anymore. He looks so much like my mum it's crazy" a smile spread across my face at the thought of my mother.

"Your mum?"

"She sadly passed away when I was 10 from child birth, when she had Alvis, my brother"

"Oh, I'm sorry.. What was she like?" I moved my body to lay my head against Steve's shoulder, him moving his arm around my shoulders.

"One of the most amazing people in my life. She was kind, caring and the most wonderful mother, I'll always want to be like her. She was my best friend and always will be, even if she isn't physically here!" A lot of emotion was spread around as I spoke about her.

"She's sounds lovely, where do you live again?" Steve leaned his head against mine.

"In a place called Asgard. The most beautiful place ever" I love my home, it's where some of the people I love most are.

"Tell me more!" Steve exclaimed, getting interested.

I let a loud giggle at Steve.

Thats what happened for the rest of the night, telling Steve all about Asgard and how he should visit sometime with me and meet my brother and my father. We could watch the battles and I'll show him my favourite places.

This was normal and I really enjoy it. Just me and Steve taking on the world together like we always did and will.

( The Eighth chapter of TA is done.
Tell me if there's any corrections to be made. I also apologise for me editing parts of this book).
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And I hope you enjoy! :)

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