Chapter 10: Truth Hurts

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"Johann Schmidt belongs in a bughouse. He thinks he's a god, and he's willing to blow up half the world to prove it, starting with the USA" Phillips grunted. We all were seated around, listening as to were the next mission would be.

After what happened yesterday, we were all down and in all honesty it wasn't a very nice feeling. We lost one of the best people in our lives, well in Steve and mines I guess?

" Schmidt's working with powers beyond our capabilities. He gets across the Atlantic, he will wipe out the entire Eastern Seaboard in an hour"

"How much time we got?" Gabe said out, looking over everyone

"According to my new best friend, under 24 hours"

"Where is he now? Hydra's last base is here."
A voice admitted. 

"In the Alps, 500 feet below the surface.

" So what are we supposed to do? I mean, it's not like we can just knock on the front door"  a fellow commando, Morita asked.

" Why not? That's exactly what we're going to do" Steve blurted out for the first time that day. We all turned to him, with a nod of my head in Steve's direction and another out the door, I got up and made my way out, hopefully with Steve right behind me.


The night sky was beautiful, through a thick pile of smoke in the air you could make out the stars aligning into constellations. Hearing shuffling behind me, I only knew who it was. I knew I had to tell him in that moment, not knowing it would be the last time i saw him

"Everything alright?" I said, not looking towards him. I felt a hand brush against my forearm.

"Yeah, I am just worried that things won't go to plan. Although, I have trust in my friends." Steve said sitting beside me and looking at the stars with me.

"The sky is beautiful isn't it, it's like an escape which only the people that look, can have." I said looking at the side of his face, as he still looked at the stars above.

"I guess so." Steve said looking towards me now. I could see a sparkle in his eye, one I had only seen a couple times before.

"Be safe out there. Be as courageous as the time in the alleyway." I said softly, still looking him in the eyes.

The leaning in just happened, but before we touched lips...

"We are ready to go Cap." Dum Dum said coming out onto the roof. We separated slightly, startled by Dum Dum coming onto the roof unannounced.

"Come home safe." I said as Steve got up and I followed his movements.

"I will." Steve said giving me a hug before walking behind Dum Dum.


"Elaya... Elaya can you read me?" The radio sounded beside me.

"Steve's gone. He's not responding. I'm sorry darling." The person said before it went radio silent. I recognised the voice to be Howard's, but I didn't get to respond before it cut out.

I didn't know what to say, it was like I was completely emotionless. I didn't tell him.

What had I done for the gods to give me this much grief. I was over it.

I don't think I will ever love again.

( Chapter 10 of this book done
Tell me if there's any corrections to be made and I hope you enjoy. I also apologise for me editing parts of this book).
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