Chapter 20: Unfinished Business

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[( Somewhere in New York)]

The next few days were too short and not long enough. Today was the day we were saying goodbye to Loki and Thor as they were going back to Asgard. I know what I wanted to do and it would stay like that for a little while.

Gathering around, we meet Erik Selvig, who was Thor's friend and also one of the people Loki had captured.

"Okay then, this is it! for a while my friends" Thor turned around to face us, giving us a big smile. His eyes trail over all of us, then landed on me.

"Cousin?, you coming?"

I looked up to meet all their eyes but my eyes automatically stayed on one pair.

"I think I might stay for a while. Got unfinished business to attend to" I sent Thor a wink, him knowing what I'm going on about. Thor laughed, making everyone confused. I sent Steve and all the rest of the Avengers a big smile. Looking passed Thor, I noticed him.

I walked passed all of them to Loki and placed my hands on his cheeks, lifting his head up to meet my gaze. Loki looked so helpless. Standing on my tippy toes, I bought my lips to his ear and whispered.

"What ever happens, I'll always be here for you know. I'm going to help you and get you away from them" I had an idea that Loki was getting hurt by someone.

His eyes popped out as soon as I moved my lips away from his ear, I gave him a true grin and wondered back to Steve's side.

"Thor! Say hello to my brother for me please" I shouted out to him.

"Got it!"

Both pressing a button, Thor and Loki was transported into the sky and disappear back Home.


We all made our way back. I decided to walk but was stopped midway by a voice.

"Hey, Laya!" Spinning around, I was faced with Steve resting on his motorbike.

"Yeah" I answer back, loud enough for him to hear me.

"Would like a ride home?" Steve asked, gesturing to what he was leaning on.

"Sure, why not" I came up behind him and sat down, placing my arms around his waist.

I wrapped my arms tighter around him, resting my head on his back as we flew passed many houses and trees. I told Steve where my house was and he was shocked as we made our way down a familiar road.

Steve's face was in awe as we did. Coming into the apartment complex, Steve looks around with a look of curiosity.

"What are we doing here?" Steve asked.

"I lived here and still do.."

"You do?" Steve turns to me.

"I'll show you" Grabbing Steve's hand, I walked him up the steps and inside.


Wandering inside, I pulled Steve along the corridor and up to a certain door.

His old home

For a minute he was shocked. Not saying a thing.

"They were going to sell it off as you were the last family member alive and when you 'died' I went and bought it before it was too late with all of you and your families possessions inside"

Steve span around with tears in his eyes, he came to me and wrapped me in a huge hug. Tears trickling down my neck, I just hugged him tighter against me.

"Thank you.... thank you so much" Steve spoke into my neck.

"Your welcome"

Steve still had his family home back, he was happy.

That's what Steve and I did for the rest of the day

Reliving memories

( The Avengers is now done. I hope you enjoyed it. Tell me if there's any corrections to be made. I also apologise for me editing parts of this book).
Please Vote and Comment! :)

- Charlotte

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