22 - Do You Think He Can Forgive Me?

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22 - Do You Think He Can Forgive Me?  

Doc leans back in his chair. "So, let me get this straight. You were talking about Marcus Forrester, Deputy State's Attorney of Cook County and lead prosecutor in your case."

"That's the one," I confirm. "He was at the shelter that night to pick up his family. They were terrified of him."

Doc rubs his chin, deep in thought.

"Do you know him?" I ask.

"Yeah. I actually was appointed in his custody case."


He gives me the evil eye. "You know I can't talk with you about another case."

I pout. "Come on, doc. What did he do?"

He shakes his head. "Sorry, not going there. But just out of curiosity, what was your impression of him?"

I frown. Why should I be sharing if he doesn't want to play ball? "What do you think of him, doc?" I counter.

His eyes wander in the distance. "When I was a little boy, there was this bully. His eyes still haunt me in my dreams and Marcus Forrester somehow reminds me of him."

I am proud to get such a personal confession out of him. "Well, he struck me as someone with a mean streak." I think back of the night at the shelter. "But he certainly had a lot of charisma."

"That he has. I have rarely met a lawyer that handles juries the way he does. Generally, people eat out of his hand."

This could be a real problem for me. "I don't know if I like the sound of this. Is he really that good?"

"He isn't someone you should underestimate which makes this exercise even more important." He grins and I am not sure if he isn't using Marcus to get to me. "So let's take a couple of steps back. When you were talking to Tisha Jones, why were you so insistent not to contact your dad?"

"Don't know, no special reason."

He gives me that 'I'm not buying it' look.

I raise my hands. "OK, ok. I was scared. I knew I disappointed him terribly."

"Were you mad at him?"

I stare at the mirror behind which the guards are observing me like an exotic animal in a cage. Sometimes, they allow my dad to join them – common courtesy among law enforcement officials. He could be watching me right now and I don't want to upset him even more.

"I honestly don't know how to answer that."

He follows my gaze. "He isn't there so you can be truthful."

Damn, why can he read me so well? "How do you know?"

"I ran into him earlier and he was just leaving to go to work. They called him when you freaked out this morning and he rushed over to make sure you were OK."

Sudden tears rise and it takes me a lot of effort to swallow them back down. "Why didn't he come to see me?"

"Same reason you just gave me a minute ago. He is scared. As a matter of fact, he is terrified. Do you think all this has been easy on your father?"

Of course not. My dad is about to lose me all over again and it is really unfair considering he already lost my mom. "I guess I have not been the best of daughters. I couldn't blame him if he hated me."

"Is that what you think?"

I silently nod, the tears now flowing like a waterfall.

"Hey." He twists his lips in some form of encouragement. "For all that it's worth, I don't think your father hates you."

Living With the Choices We Make (Domestic Violence / Abuse)  ✔️Where stories live. Discover now