35 - The Light Bulb Goes Off

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This chapter is dedicated to JoanaMarisaLopes. Thanks so much for following this story and your many votes.

35 - The Light Bulb Goes Off  

Nate's POV

I decide to go home when Marcus rests his case after Kade's testimony and the proceedings are postponed until the next morning. It is not even two o'clock and I should really catch up on some paperwork but just can't get myself to do it. Court was exhausting and I long for some quality time with Mitch and Marie.

Rena's chances of winning were torn to shreds right in front of me and it is quite unfair considering what she has been through. I still haven't figured out the trigger that made her snap and it drives me nuts. Secretly, I had hoped that Kade's testimony and the phone recordings would shed some light on the matter but I am still as clueless as before.

Rena has never struck me as a girl who just randomly lashes out, especially not at Brent Parks who she was submissively dependent on. I would have understood if she had killed him during one of his physical abusive episodes but she never even fought back, so what changed on that particular day? I am certain that her refusal to share the truth is her form of self-punishment because deep down, she doesn't want to deal with her choices.

In many ways, I just want to forget about the whole ordeal and find my obsession quite puzzling. I had plenty of abuse cases before but somehow, this one touches me more than the others. It could be Rena's young age and the severity of the violence that causes me feel sorry for her but maybe it is just the challenge to get to the bottom of things since she blew me off.

When I get home, Mitch is in the yard, playing with his football.

"Daddy, you are home early." He seems delighted.

I hug him, tousling his hair. Marie is sitting in the Hollywood swing and relaxes, her stomach even bigger than when I left this morning.

I plant a kiss on her mouth. "Hey honey, how was your doctor's appointment?"

"Great. Two more weeks to go. I'm right on track."

That's at least one thing I don't have to worry about. I hold my hand to her belly and feel my little daughter kicking. "Any more crazy name ideas?"

"Actually, I like the name Rena."

I freeze, staring at her. "How did you come up with that?"

"Oh, I was reading about this girl in the paper who is on trial for murder but the name sure is pretty. Don't you agree?"

I give her an unsure smile. "Uhm. Have to think about that one."

I could just fess up and tell her that Rena is my client and I would find it strange to name my daughter after her but have always taken confidentiality very seriously.

Luckily, I am saved from further name discussions when Mitch runs up, hugging my legs and making me stumble.

"Play ball with me, daddy?" he demands with his best puppy dog eyes.

He knows they are my weak spot though today, I don't need a lot of convincing. He is growing up so quickly and I don't want to miss out. After the football, we move on to soccer and later watch a cartoon on the television. He is cradled in my right arm while Marie is lying comfortably on the couch on her side, her head propped on my lap. Life can't get much better than this. I am privileged to have these two people in my live who I love to pieces and one more little one on the way.

I don't want Marie burdened with the chore of fixing dinner and we order takeout. Chinese, everybody's favorite. I feed my wife with the spring rolls while Mitch stuffs himself with sweet and sour chicken. I swear I have never seen a child eat that much and that quickly. If a stranger saw him, he would swear we don't feed him.

Living With the Choices We Make (Domestic Violence / Abuse)  ✔️Where stories live. Discover now