30 - I Never Deserved Any Of Them

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This chapter is dedicated to __JessieHazel__ . Thanks for your great comments and votes. Your support is very much appreciated.

30 - I Never Deserved Any Of Them  

Brent insisted on us attending Kade's bail hearing though I really didn't want to go. The few hours' sleep I managed to get didn't take away from my guilty conscience and I was sure Kade would never talk to me again. I couldn't bear the thought of his hurt eyes and preferred to disappear in some hole and never resurface.

We got to the court room just before nine and the prisoners were hauled in a few minutes later. I couldn't believe it – they actually put Kade in an orange jump suit and shackled him up. He appeared absolutely exhausted with dark circles under his eyes and his usual clean shaven face was full of stubble. When he saw me, he lowered his eyes but I still caught a glimpse of this incredible pain in his face. He must have felt so betrayed.

Brent was beaming in victory, his arm around my shoulders the entire time.

"I hope they lock him up for good," he muttered. "The guy is such a wimp. Look at him, he is about to cry."

I could relate, I had trouble fighting the tears myself.

We sat in the back and waited until the arraignments started. There were a few people ahead of Kade and my heart was pounding in my throat. I prayed I didn't have to say anything, I wasn't sure I could handle it. Yet, one thing was clear in my mind – if Kade got off because of something I did, Brent would beat me to death.

And then it was finally his turn. "The People of the State of Illinois versus Kade Fallon."

Oh, that sounded so awful.

A young man stood up to address the court. "Attorney Noel Fallon, Your Honor. I would like to enter an appearance on behalf of the defendant."

The judge leaned forward and squinted at him, his expression slightly amused. I didn't know what he was getting at until the man briefly turned around and scanned the court room. The resemblance was remarkable – this had to be the twin brother he had talked about and who was working in his mother's law firm.

Brent took in a sharp breath. "Did the bastard multiply overnight?"

Before I could answer, the judge continued.

"Well, Mr. Fallon, I actually didn't know you practiced criminal law. Usually I see you hanging around in family court. I hope you didn't come here to confuse an old man like me."

I couldn't see Noel's face but was sure that his smile was just as charming as Kade's.

"I'm sorry for springing such a surprise on you, Your Honor," he chuckled. "My mother will be the attorney of record but couldn't make this hearing."

He proceeded by drawing a picture of Kade as the saint he was, informing the court about his stable job as a physician and that he was neither a danger to society nor a flight risk. Then it was Walker's turn to throw mud on him.

"Your Honor, Dr. Fallon threatened the life of the victim in this case. Ms. Cooper is only a teenager, fragile and scared. It would be irresponsible to allow the defendant to be released on his own recognizance.  We are asking for one hundred thousand dollar bail and a 'no contact order' for the victim."

The judge rubbed his chin in thought. "Is the victim here?"

Walker pointed into my direction. "She is, your honor. Would you like her to take the stand?"

Before the judge could reply, Kade shot his brother a warning look and Noel was on his feet in an instant. "Your Honor, Ms. Cooper is still a minor though emancipated. I would suggest we continue this matter in chambers."

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