14 - Aftermath

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This chapter is dedicated to Janiya-Marie. Thank you for your continued support and helpful inline comments. Very much appreciated :)

14 - Aftermath  

I don't know for how long I was out for but it was already dark when I finally woke up, lying face down on the freezing bathroom floor. I shivered which in turn shot flashes of pain through my body. The house was dead silent. I tried to move but sharp stabbing to my abdomen convinced me to stay put.

"Brent," I croaked with what was left of my voice. I was hoarse beyond belief.


"Brent. I can't move. Please help me."

There wasn't a sound other than the soft rustling of the leaves on the tree outside the bathroom window. My fingers scraped over the floor, attempting desperately to find something to pull myself forward but all they found were the smooth bathroom tiles.

The tears were streaming down my face and I used my last strength to skid forward, inch by inch until I reached the door, the merciless hurt continuing to rage through my beaten body. I was starting to get sick again, pressing my cheek to the cold floor to rest. I sobbed and feared to break into pieces from the agonizing pain.

"Brent," I strained again but there was still no answer. I raised my pounding head, the bedroom door seemed miles away. I edged forward some more.

It must have taken me an hour to finally get to the bed or maybe it just seemed that long. I was freezing and in so much torment that I was sure I was going to die. I heard Brent's even breaths, at least he hadn't left the house and I was not alone.

"Brent," I hushed, my words almost inaudible. 

He stirred.

I moaned a little louder and that finally got his attention. The light came on, compelling my eyes shut, my head bursting.

"Oh, my god, Rena," he shouted in alarm. "There is blood everywhere."

Careful hands tried to sit me up but my distressing cry stopped him.

"I need to get you to the hospital." All I was able to see were his feet, pacing back and forth, trying to come up with a plan.

"Can you get up?" he asked.

I was too weak to even respond and he must have realized how serious this was. He picked up the phone and called an ambulance. A few minutes later, there were sirens in the distance.

I felt relief when a paramedic squatted next to me. "OK, we are going to place a brace around your neck but I can't give you anything for the pain until you are in the ambulance."

I clutched his hand when he and his buddy moved me, my fingernails digging deep into his skin. I tried to be brave but a small cry still escaped my lips. They carried me down on a stretcher, Brent on their heels. He was pale as a ghost, his face in total panic. He climbed behind me in the ambulance.

"Will she be OK?" he asked distraught.

"What happened, sir?" the paramedic inquired instead of a reply.

Brent ran his fingers through his hair in desperation. "I don't know. I was asleep. She must have fallen down the steps and somehow, made it back up."

The two paramedics exchanged a glance. I was sure they knew that those weren't injuries from a fall.

A tube was stuck into my arm. "Are you allergic to any medication?" one of the men asked.

"No," I whispered.

Living With the Choices We Make (Domestic Violence / Abuse)  ✔️Where stories live. Discover now