9 - Brent's Brilliant Idea

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9 - Brent's Brilliant Idea

I had imagined that my dad would be mad but I never expected him to freak out the way he did when I told him about Brent's grandiose plan to move in together.

"You must be out of your goddamn mind," he shouted. "That will never happen."

"Dad," I pleaded and tried desperately to make him at least listen to what I had to say.

He raised his hand. "No, I don't want to hear it. Your boyfriend has really gone too far this time." He looked furious, I mean really furious. "I stood back and didn't interfere for months now because I feared if I did, you would just sneak behind my back and I would lose you. But it is time to put my foot down."

"Dad," I tried again.

"Listen, young lady." He was totally in his lecture modus. "You and Brent are way too serious. I know you think you love him but you don't even know yet what that means. You two just cling to each other like there is no tomorrow and that just isn't right. You should go out and have fun with your friends. Date other guys. You are sixteen, for Christ's sake."

"I don't want another guy," I said stubbornly. "And I do know what love is. Brent is the real thing, dad. I want to spent the rest of my life with him."

"Oh, no." He shook his head, determined. "You are grounded. At least until the end of the summer. And you won't be seeing Brent anymore. He is a bad influence on you."

I was beside myself. "You can't prohibit me from seeing him. We are engaged." I glared at him in anger. "And I will move in with him, if you like it or not."

I stormed to my room, slamming the door and called my boyfriend. But even he wasn't able to calm me down.

"Do you want me to come over and talk to your dad?"

"No. I think he will probably shoot you if he sees you in the next few days. You need to stay low."

There was a moment of silence. "I love you, Rena. Everything will be OK."

Tears pooled my eyes. If I chose Brent, my father would likely never forgive me, especially if I went through with the emancipation.

"I feel so alone," I sobbed. I would lose one of the only two people that meant something to me in the world.

"Hey, don't cry," he said softly. "I will set up something with the lawyer and we can meet him when your dad is at work. I will fight for you, baby. There will be no one in this world who can prevent us from being together. I am sure sooner or later, your father will realize that and come around. Things will work out in the long run."

I hoped so much he was right. It had been a stupid idea to put this plan in front of my dad and now we both were backed into a corner. There was no turning back. I couldn't live any longer by his rules and he with my decisions. We would likely part our ways for who knew how long.

The next hours were excruciating. My father was pacing back and forth in the living room, mumbling to himself and I was stuck in my bedroom without anyone to comfort me. I was weeping the whole time. Only Brent's text coming in frequently kept me sane.

Eventually, my dad had to go back to work and left me alone after sternly warning me that I would be in a boat load of trouble if I left the apartment. I was not intending to obey him and ran off half an hour after he left.

Brent met me downtown and even though it was after business hours, we met the lawyer. His name was Dave Solomon and he had drawn up all the paperwork in advance. All I had to do was sign.

Living With the Choices We Make (Domestic Violence / Abuse)  ✔️Where stories live. Discover now