4 - Courtship

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4 - Courtship

The next date was even better than the first. Brent brought me a present again, this time a box of my favorite chocolates. His eyes were glowing when he saw me in my skinny jeans and snug fitting shirt, emphasizing every curve I had. My hair was braided in the same style as Katniss Everdeen's, just fitting for the movie and he commented on how stunning I looked.

He had texted me all week, every morning, when I got up, three times during classes and at least four or five times at night. Some of them were longer, telling me what he was doing at that particular moment, some only a short 'I miss you and wish you were here' but he had never called once.

He looked gorgeous himself, wearing ripped bleached jeans and a Ralph Lauren shirt with loafers. Though he never dressed in the most popular styles and would never have considered runners or converse outside the gym, he had that aura around him that would never have allowed anyone to make fun of him because of that. He could have worn a potato sack and people would have still respected him for his individuality.

We went to the big theater in the shopping center. I knew a lot of my classmates would be there and I wanted to show off my new college boyfriend. He played along when he noticed, sliding proudly his arm around my waist.

Ginger Maze, the biggest bitch in school, actually approached us. She was blessed with significantly more womanly properties than I and she made it clear that she would be a much better catch when she addressed Brent: "Hi. I'm Rena's friend Ginger. Status: Single." She giggled. "I don't think we've met." She stretched out her hand, running her tongue over her lips like she wanted to devour him.

Brent kept his cool. "I think it would be Rena's place to introduce us if she even wanted to."

I shot him a thankful grin. Ginger's face darkened, I don't believe any guy had ever given her such a polite brush-off. I added fuel to the fire. "Well, I guess I can make an exception. Ginger – this is Brent. He goes to DePaul."

Ginger's mouth fell open. "You are in college?"

"Yes." He pulled me closer. "And I would really appreciate if you could give me and Rena some privacy. We are really enjoying ourselves and three is just one too many."

Ginger's face was priceless. I would get hassled in school but didn't care. Having someone like Brent showing no interest in her would drive her crazy. I was really pleased for getting so much loyalty from him after only one date.

He got us popcorn, both the sweet and buttery kind, because I couldn't make up my mind. We chose seats in the last row and he put his arm around my shoulders. I leaned my head against him and he had the most precious smile on his lips – like he wanted to show the world how happy he was that he was with me.

The movie started and after a few minutes, I realized he had no clue what was going on when he asked: "Who is Peeta?"

"He is kind of her other love interest," I whispered. "Didn't you see the first two parts?"

"No. I normally don't watch stuff like that."

I snickered. "Sorry."

"Don't be." His fingers brushed over my cheek. "All I want is spending time with you. I..."

Muffled 'Shhh' made him shut up. After that, the movie became secondary. He must have decided that it was boring and pressed his mouth to my lips. Oh, he was a good kisser.

For the rest of the movie, we made out on and off. I only had one boyfriend before who had drooled and always had a bad body odor. Brent was nothing like him. He was tender, his lips soft and his tongue teasing. I couldn't get enough of him. He smelled good, his aftershave enough to keep my nose occupied without being overpowering. In between, he played with the strands of my hair.

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