39 - Reasonable Belief

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This chapter is dedicated to Crystal_Loves_You. Thanks for your many votes and your support XD.

39 - Reasonable Belief  

Loud voices greet me as soon as I step into the court room the morning after my testimony and to my delight, Marcus seems to be beside himself. I wonder what Pam did to upset him.

"I just can't believe you are trying to pull such a stunt on me at the last moment." His voice is trembling and fury shoots from his eyes. I notice that his hands are balled to fists and imagine how they would land hard on Pam's mouth if she was his wife.

"Calm down, Marcus, and save your efforts for the judge," she snaps angrily in response. Though her voice is more under her control, her eyes are just as furious. Captivated by the unexpected spectacle, I lower myself in my chair at the defense table next to one of the junior lawyer who greets me with a small nod.

"What's going on?" I whisper but before she can reply, Pam notices me and addresses the bailiff.

"Tell the judge that Ms. Cooper is here now and we are ready for her."

Not even five minutes later, I'm no longer kept in suspense and Marcus and Pam are back at each other's throats, this time at a much reduced volume and more respectful manner.

"Your honor," Pam addresses the court. "The defense has learned that one of the jurors has been arrested for domestic violence before and we want him excused for cause."

Judge Mitchellson flips through a file in front of her. "Which juror?"

"Number five your honor - Carlos Cortez."

The judge focuses on Marcus. "Were you aware of this, Mr. Forrester?"

Marcus gives Mitchellson a curt smile. "I was not, your honor, but have since checked into the matter. The charges against Mr. Cortez were dismissed on merit. It was a clever move by his ex-wife to gain custody of the children. Our investigation found no evidence of abuse whatsoever and we stringently object to have him replaced that late in the trial."

A snort from Pam earns her a murderous stare.

Judge Mitchellson returns to her file. "OK, let's get Mr. Cortez in here and get to the bottom of this."

Five minutes later, juror number five is seated in the witness box, squirming in his chair. He is obviously not enjoying the attention and glares at me meaner than ever.

"Mr. Cortez," Judge Mitchellson begins. "It has been brought to the court's attention that you have been arrested for domestic abuse before. Why didn't you mention this during jury selection?"

He clears his throat. "I didn't think it made a difference," he claims. "Those charges were totally false and dismissed." He glances at Mitchellson. "I can be unbiased, your honor, I swear."

Mitchellson gazes at him thoughtfully. "Thank you for your confirmation. You can return to the jury room while we sort this out."

There is total silence as he is lead from the courtroom. I am sure that there is no way he will vote 'not guilty' now after this embarrassment if the judge doesn't replace him.

As soon as the door closes behind juror number five, Marcus is back in action. "You see, your honor, there is nothing to this. Mrs. Fallon is just trying to substitute him to get a more favorable juror in place for her client."

Pam's jaw drops. "I won't tolerate this kind of insinuation. Mr. Forrester is the one..."

She can't finish her sentence when Mitchellson interrupts her. "Counselors, please. Let's just all take a deep breath and not give the ladies and gentlemen of the press a soap drama in my court room."

Living With the Choices We Make (Domestic Violence / Abuse)  ✔️Where stories live. Discover now