36 - Kade's Secret

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This chapter is dedicated to vianneysmommy. Thanks for your comments and votes XD.

36 - Kade's Secret  

It is almost eight in the morning when I step into the spacious office at the court house, my legal team already assembled to start my next day of testimony. For two days, I have sat in the witness box and told the jury the same story I told Doc and when the judge called it a night yesterday, I was just finished with the last bit before the night of the murder.

I still couldn't believe the turn of events which allowed for a little bit of hope. Pam is a fantastic lawyer and brought on board not only a couple of junior staff to assist her but also her private investigator and the firm's jury consultant. Marcus's jaw dropped when she entered her appearance on my behalf and I felt real pleasure firing Mr. Porter on the spot. He didn't seem to mind at all.

Pam squeezes my shoulder, genuine concern in her eyes. "How are you holding up?"

I give her a brave smile – it has been tough. The eyes of the jurors were upon me the whole time and it felt dumber than ever when I replayed those memories where I didn't have the courage to just get up and leave. Ryan Parks glared at me the entire time, his arms folded in front of his chest, while Brent's mom couldn't stand looking at me at all. She sobbed quietly into a handkerchief during my testimony.

Pam claps her hands. "OK, folks, let's get organized. Coffee break is over." The others assemble around the table and fall quiet, all eyes on Pam.

"Mel, where are we on the jurors?"

Melanie is the jury consultant and she has been sitting in the audience to observe the facial expressions and body language of the twelve men and women who will soon be called upon to judge me.

"We got all four women in the bag," she informs. "They were mortified when Rena testified about the torture and the other parts of the abuse. We also got at least four of the men – number three, seven, nine and eleven. I caught seven wiping his eyes discreetly on a few occasions and eleven had his nose wrinkled in disgust the whole time. They are definitely on board."

Pam had explained that we only needed one juror to vote for 'not guilty' for the trial to end in a hung jury but all of them to get me off. If the jurors didn't agree, Marcus could try me again - something Pam is sure he would do - and a second trial would likely break me. I have to agree – I could not go through the whole ordeal again.

"How about the other four men?"

Melanie reviews her notes. "One of them seems weak, he will go with whatever the majority decides. Number two is still half a kid himself and he has been ogling Rena the entire time, probably hoping he can ask her out on a date if she gets acquitted. He shouldn't be a problem. Twelve is a wildcard but I'm really concerned about number five."

Pam picks up the picture of juror number twelve of the table. "What's his background?"

"Military," one of the assistants advises who has been reviewing the jury file. "He is a retired army mayor, single, no kids."

Pam puckers her lips. "Nate has a military background and could tip the scale with his testimony. We should be OK with him. What's the problem with juror five?"

Melanie sighs. "He seems unnaturally hostile. I could bet he made up his mind before the trial even started. I can't picture him ever voting 'not guilty'."

My heart plummets into my stomach, everything has been for nothing. For a moment I wonder if I will ever truly catch a break.

Pam is not ready to give up. "If he is biased, he should not have been picked in the first place." She turns to the private investigator. "Carmen, check him out. I want to know everything about him but do it discreetly. I don't want Marcus to scream we tampered with the jury and have this whole case end in a mistrial."

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