18 - Reaching Out

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This chapter is dedicated to mindless_mochanini. Thanks for following the story and voting :). 

18 - Reaching Out  

I stayed four more days at the hospital before I was released. Brent visited every day but Kade stayed away and I wasn't even sure if he was working. Somehow, I was disappointed - I had enjoyed our chat and our game of chess. He was the first extended contact I had with anyone other than my boyfriend since I turned my back on Caroline and had to admit I had appreciated his carefree way. It had given me a sense of normality, at least for a couple of hours.

He showed up in the afternoon prior to my discharge, rolling in a wheelchair. "Your boyfriend will be up in a moment to drive you home." His eyes were dark, I could swear there was a certain degree of anger and the disapproval was audible in his voice. "Please come back if you experience any spells of dizziness or have more pain." He hands me an envelope. "There is a prescription for a pain relieve and a discharge report for your OB/GYN. You should schedule a follow up appointment in two weeks' time."

"Thank you, Doctor Fallon."

"Kade," he corrected me. He stuck a card in the pocket of my coat. "I usually don't do this but here is my card with my personal cell number on the back in case you change your mind and don't know where to go. Of course you can also call me if you ever just need to talk to anyone."

It was a genuine selfless gesture and I was really grateful though I was not intending to take him up by his offer. Brent took me home and filled the prescription on the way. The whole house was decorated with balloons and 'Get Well' banners and he insisted on carrying me upstairs to the bedroom. Everything was clean, there was no sign of our fight or the blood trail I must have left behind during my agonizing attempt to find help.

He had bought a second TV he had positioned right across the bed with a DVD player and had gotten all my favorite movies and a couple of books.

"Here is selection of magazines," he showed me in my nightstand drawer. "All I want you to do over these next few days is relax and let me pamper you. I told all my professors that you were sick and they were very understanding so I don't have to go to college and will take good care of you."

He fluffed the pillows for me to be comfortable.

"Thanks Brent," I muttered. The whole trip from the hospital exhausted me and I wanted to take a nap.

"Can I get you anything? Tea, popcorn?" He looked at me expectantly, eager to play my servant. "I can put in a movie if you like. I also got a few new releases."

His caring was overwhelming. I knew he only meant well but I was already longing back to the serenity of my hospital bed. I never liked when people made so much fuss about me.

 "I'm just really tired," I admitted, pulling the blanket defensively around me.

His smile was understanding. "I'll let you get some rest." He caressed my cheek before placing a little bell on my night stand. "Here. Just ring when you wake up and I will get you anything you want."

I nodded, avoiding looking at the spot by the window where the whole ordeal had started off. It felt strange to be back home, somehow wrong but I shrugged it off, blaming it on my fatigue.

"I love you, Rena." His eyes were glowing in that light gray that reflected happiness. "I am so glad you are home." I felt guilty for not feeling the same, he was trying so hard to cheer me up.

After he left, I pulled the blanket all the way up to my chin and stared at the ceiling. There were small dots in the wallpaper and I started to count them. I don't remember how far I got but it was well into the hundreds before sleep finally claimed me.

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