38 - Choices Can Change Everything

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This chapter is dedicated to julietlyons whose story 'Dating The Undead' always gives me a breather when I need it the most XD.

38 - Choices Can Change Everything  

It was almost six thirty when Brent finally decided to show up. He greeted me with a loud "Honey, I'm home," while I was cuddled up on the sofa, staring into nothing. I was in a terrible mood - dinner was as good as ruined because he didn't tell me he would be late and my stomach was growling. I could have already eaten without him but was afraid he would get upset.

He poked his head into the living room. "Sorry I'm late, hon. Me and the guys grabbed a couple of beers after class and I didn't want to say no." He must have noticed my sullen face because he quickly added. "I hope you aren't mad."

My quick smile was faker than ever. "Of course not. I just wished you had called so I would have known."

It was meant in a 'I would have waited to cook the pasta' kind of way but he must have thought I was actually worried.

He pulled me up and wrapped his arms around me. "You know what they say - no news is good news. You would be the first to know if something ever happened to me."

I suppressed the desire to wiggle out of his embrace, resting my head against his chest. His fingers entangled my hair and he tilted my head backwards, gazing deep into my eyes. "Don't worry, Rena, I'm not going anywhere. Ever...."

Those words made me cringe inside - they had so much finality to them. I couldn't tell the mood he was in, his irises were of that smoldering solid gray that could either turn dark to make him vicious or change into the intense dark blue that would require me to fulfill my girlfriend duties. Either way, I was not looking forward to the rest of the evening.

His fingers caressed my cheek and I stood frozen, waiting for his next move. His lips found mine and I willingly opened my mouth to allow our tongues to connect. I tasted alcohol and smoke and wanted to push him away in disgust - he knew how much I hated when he didn't chew gum after one of his bar visits. He didn't notice, grinding against me.

I was relieved when he didn't continue but playfully squeezed my butt. "Let's eat - I'm starving. What's for dinner?"

I gave him an automatic smile. "Chicken & Spinach Mostaccioli. I thought I'd try something new and hope you'll like it."

"I'm sure I will. You know I'm a sucker for anything with chicken and pasta and spinach works well."

It was my cue to get on with dinner and I obediently walked towards the kitchen with him on my heels.

While the meal was heating up, I remembered I hadn't delivered his father's message from earlier in the afternoon. "Your dad called. Your mom took a bad fall and had to go to the hospital but she will be OK. She broke her wrist and has a slight concussion."

I watched how his face darkened for a few seconds but he didn't comment. I was sure that his mother's hospital stay was a result of one of Ryan's beatings but didn't probe and turned my attention back to the food. He was right behind me, his breath grazing my neck.

Stirring, I asked: "Did your mom ever try to leave your dad?"

I felt him tense and could have kicked myself for the stupid question. Mentally, I was ready for a smack but he answered me instead.

"I know she thought about it when I was little, especially when he beat me hard. Luckily, she was realistic enough to grasp that he would get custody of me - my dad really knows how to work the system. I'm glad she stuck it out and didn't make me choose sides."

Living With the Choices We Make (Domestic Violence / Abuse)  ✔️Where stories live. Discover now