The Beginning (Part 1)

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(This story is gonna go based off the Ultimate Spider-man tv series since I'm not creative enough to make my own lol) 

New York City

A figure sat on the roof of a building staring down the alley way bellow watching 5 guys try to rob an innocent woman making the black lenses of the figure squint in disgust. The figure stood up on the ledge of the building before dropping straight down on top of one of the thugs, knocking the thug out immediately, and surprising everyone there. The figure looked up, still on top of the thug, and said in a cold voice that promised pain.

"I hate bullies"

One Year Before

Nathan Black, a 16 y/o teenager, woke up to his alarm clock blaring Thunderstruck by AC/DC, he looked at the time reading 6:30am, with a groan he rolled out of bed to do his morning routine. He walked over to his bathroom that was connected to his room, took a hot shower, and brushed his teeth. Nathan wiped the mirror revealing his toned skinny body and striking blue eyes, after brushing his hair down so it wasn't in his face Nathan went and got dressed for school (outfit in top image except the towel is hood apart of the jacket). Nathan walked out of his room and down the stairs of his families two story apartment, his family wasn't rich but they weren't poor either, as soon as he reached the kitchen he saw a plate on the counter with a muffin and note from his mother.

       ~Nathan, I am going to be working late again today but your father should be home after work at the lab have fun on the field trip. Love Mom, XOXO~

Nathan had a small smile on as he read the note, after reading the note he grabbed the muffin and made his was out the door with his backpack. On his way to school he was finishing up his muffin when he heard a scream from behind him, turning around he saw a shady guy running from a woman with a purse in his hand. Thanks to his training in martial arts Nathan could think in stressful situations, and in a split second before the thief passed him Nathan clotheslined the thief, making the thief flip in the air landing on his stomach groaning in pain. Nathan then proceeded to pick up the purse and return it to the woman while a police officer that had noticed the commotion came over and arrested the thief. After being applauded by the crowd of people, Nathan continued his walk to school making it just in time to see the other students loading up onto a bus. Nathan got onto the bus and plugged in his earbuds listening to AC/DC as the bus started moving going to their destination, Oscorp. 


As the students were on a tour of the facilities they came to the genetics lab where the scientists were conducting experiments with spiders. The tour guide walked up to some containers that had the spiders in them, "Here we have 16 genetically modified super-spiders...". Nathan didn't listen to whatever else she was saying and was staring at the containers when he noticed something, there were 2 spiders missing.

Nathan: "Excuse me ma'am but there are two spiders missing."

The tour guide looked at the containers and counted when she realized the kid was right she became worried but then responded with, "They must be doing test on them. Now let's move onto the next area...". Nathan once again tuned the guide out and just stood there staring at the spiders. Unbeknownst to Nathan a spider had descended from the ceiling on a web and made its way onto his neck. Nathan started to follow the group when he felt a sharp pain on his neck like he had been bit, he smacked his neck where he felt the sting come from and when he looked at his had he saw a spider with a black body and red legs. Nathan made a face in disgust and dropped the spider in the trash bin on his way back to the group.

Later on the School Bus

Nathan was sitting in a seat by himself and was starting to feel hot like he was burning from the inside out with sharp stinging sensations in his hands. He must have looked weird cause a girl with red hair looked at him from across the isle and tried asking if he was ok. Nathan just responded by nodding his head, seeing this the red head reluctantly turned her attention back to the person she was talking too. As soon as the bus stopped Nathan got out and made his way home at fast pace just wanting to get some sleep. Nathan walked in his door and immediately headed to his room. Once he was in his room and the door was closed he took off his jacket and shirt and just collapsed, passing out on his bed.

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