Teaching With Pain

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New York

So as I was out on patrol I spotter Pete as Spider-man chasing Batroc the Leaper so I decided to follow him and watch how he handles the villain. It was funny to watch Pete get his but kicked by a B-list villain like Batroc. After Pete slams into a billboard I decide to lend him a hand. Jumping down and landing on the side of the billboard I look at Spider-man laying on the ground.

BS: Dude do you need some help with Batroc? (He says in an amused tone)

SM: No I got this dude. 

BS: Ok then.

White Tiger then joins us and starts talking to Spider-man.

WT: Spider-Man, Nick Fury says to get back to S.H.I.E.L.D. HQ for training.

Spider-Man: Just because he's the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. doesn't mean he can boss me around. Besides Fury would be the first to say going solo on B-listers like Batroc is good training. Don't be so official White Tiger. When life gives you Batroc, make French toast. (Gets kicked Batroc and sent flying across the street)

Batroc the Leaper: A boot to the face! (Batroc then leaps after Spider-man in mid air and rams into him with his head sending Spider-man into a DBC jumbo screen)

BS: (Cringing and laughing) Ooooh that's gotta hurt.

White Tiger: (grunts) Way to go it alone. Get lazy and even the lame ones can splatter you. That's what training's for. That and mastering tools like electric claws. (Activates Electric Claws)

Batroc the Leaper: Leap. The leap is live.

White Tiger then leads Batroc on a chase across the rooftops and slashed a water tower causing Batroc to be washed away into a web Spider-man created which slingshots Batroc into another Daily Bugle Jumbo screen. Black Spider lands behind them where they were watching Batroc hit the jumbo screen. 

BS: Nice work White Tiger. It's nice to see someone taking their training seriously. (He says glancing at Pete)

WT: (A little surprised at the compliment) Wow thanks Black Spider.

SM: Aren't you going to say something good about me?

BS: Yeah. As a matter of fact I do have something nice to say about you... You're really good at getting your ass kicked.

Spider-man jaw dropped in surprise and White Tiger started laughing so hard she was holding her sides.

SM: Wha- Dude! Seriously!

BS: Yes. Spider-man, White Tiger is right training is important. I didn't get my fighting skills by just fighting crime, nor did I get them when I got my powers. I got them through hard work and dedication to make myself stronger. 

SM: You know you talk about your fighting skills but I've never actually seen you fight I'm starting to wonder if your as strong as you claim you are.

BS: (Eyes narrowing) Really now?

SM: (Getting up in Black Spiders face) Yeah really.

BS: Then let's have a fight this weekend. And while we're at it let's make a bet. (This gets Peter's and Ava's attention) If you win, I'll take off my mask and reveal my secret identity to you. (Peter's and Ava's eyes widen in shock)

SM: And if you win.

BS: Then you train the way I did when I got my powers for a whole month.

SM: Pfft. That's it? Easy.

BS: Well ok then. (turning and walking away) See you then. (he swings off into the night)

WT: 'I got a bad feeling about this'

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