Season 2

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(Welcome to season 2 of this. Now I've decided to take some of Spider-man's villains and make them Black Spider's villains and that I'm going to start integrating different shows and deviate from the Ultimate Spider-man story line)

"speaking"  'thinking'  "digital communications" 


The team was at a warehouse which was actually a lab that Doc Ock had abandoned. Nate brought Daisy along with him in order to get some training. SHIELD had been getting weird readings from this lab and the team was here to investigate. Black Spider was sitting in the rafters keeping a lookout when he heard White Tiger over the coms saying she was engaging something at the east entry. Black Spider looked that way to see White Tiger get hit and thrown into some crates.

SM: "Powerman, Iron fist. White Tiger's down. Do you have visual on an adversary?" 

PM: "Yeah, I can't believe it, but he's alive! And movin' right for us."

IF: "Or is it we who move for him? Perspective defines reality."

Both of the heroes were taken out as well. BS saw a figure move across the ground and spoke in his com's. 

BS: "Nova light us up, now."

Nova: "Ok you don't have to yell in my earpiece webs"

Nova stopped in the air and lit himself up giving the whole room light. Black Spider turned to Daisy aka Quake. "Ok let's get down there." they jump off the rafters and down to the ground to see Doc Ock alive and kicking. Black Spider growled "Not this guy again."

SM: "Doc Ock, alive!"

DO: "Reports of my demise were greatly exaggerated" (He tried to smash SM with a tentacle but SM dodged)

Doc Ock then hit Nova out of the air, but before he could go anywhere Quake came in and blasted him making Doc Ock run away.

Q: "Ugh. Black Spider, I'm blind I can't see in this dark."

BS: "Don't worry Spider-man and I got this." 

Spider-man web swinged up to Ock who was getting some kind of case, but got hit with one of Ock's tentacles and pinned to the ground. While Doc was busy talking Black Spider came in from the side and punched Doc Ock in the face knocking him back and making him drop the case he was holding. Spider-man then webbed the case and brought it over to himself, he tried to get up and run but Doc grabbed him and slammed him on the ground again. Spider-man tried to shot Doc in the face with webs but he was out of web fluid. Black Spider then shot web-lines at Ock's back and pulled him off Spider-man and threw him into some crates. 

A voice then spoke up from the darkness. "This is SHIELD! We have you surrounded!" Doc groaned in frustration "No! Not now!" and ran off while multiple agents fired at him as he left. Out of the darkness emerged Nick Fury, "Nice to see you're keeping up on your training."

SM: "Training? Maybe you didn't notice, Fury, but my web shooters jammed and Ock got away. P.s. did you guys even know he was still alive?"

Fury: "We heard rumors. But at least he didn't leave with his prize."

Coulson: "Have to give credit where it's due, Spider-man. Your team has been on point lately. The SHIELD helicarrier may not be back up and operational yet, but you're doing us proud."

Dr. Conners: "I couldn't agree more, agent Coulson. Securing Ock's experimental DNA Compounds? Incredible work. Want to stay and lend me a hand testing these samples, Spider-man?"

BS: "Unfortunately he can't, dude you gotta go." (Points to wrist like a watch)

SM: "Oh crud your right. (pushes his team away) We gotta jet."

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