The Decision

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(I decided to try something new with this chapter. I decided to write parts of the story from Nathan's POV)

"speaking", 'thinking', "radio or other device"

(No POV Yet)

Midtown High Lunch Room 

Nathan was sitting at the lunch table with MJ, Harry, and Sam aka Nova, who was currently sculpting Coulson's face out of the mashed potatoes. All of a sudden Peter comes over causing a ruckus because of Sam being at his table hanging out with his friends. Peter then drags Sam off into the hallway to have a talk with him.

Later In Detention

Peter and Sam sat in detention with Peter worrying about what his Aunt May will think since he's never been in detention before.

Coulson: Good job with the role play, you guys. That was perfect

Peter then turns around and sees Luke, Danny, and Ava there as well. 

Peter: This was just to get us all together for a secret SHIELD thing? I thought it was serious.

Coulson: Define "serious"

Coulson then presses a button on the desk that drops the team down shoots where they land in SHIELD seat in their costumes and are sent speeding down tunnels until they are thrown out by a sudden stop. All the boys land in a big dog pile but Ava manages to perfectly stick the landing, as she's trying to figure out where they are she sees the Black Spider in the middle of the room. Walking up to him to get some questions answered.

W.T: Hey Spider where are we? 

B.S: (Holds up a finger) Wait for it.

Man on Speaker: Attention all SHIELD personnel. Prepare to surface

W.T: The helicarrier. I love this job.

Both of them hear grunting and look over to see Spider-man and Nova looking like they're about to fight. Then a screen with Fury's face on it appears.

Fury: In a fiesty mood? Outstanding. The Court is precisely where you'll train to focus that aggression.

Pete: Like b-ball court?

Fury: Court like you come here to be judged. Harshly. 

The floor then raises up to show machines with guns on them

Nova: Bet your web shooters I can take down more drones than you can.

S.M: First to ten kabooms wins

Peter and Sam then start destroying every drone in sight before Fury can finish telling them the rules. This made Nate just sigh in disappointment, once they were done Fury finally got their attention.

Fury: Gentlemen. The object of this exercise was to cross the room without setting off any traps.

SM: He said that? When did he say that?

BS: When you 2 were bickering with each other like little children. Thankfully this happened now rather than later.

SM: Why's that?

BS: So that I didn't end up going into battle with teammates who act no better than kids on a playground. Sorry Fury I'm out, I'll come back when this team is a little more mature. (He says walking away shocking the rest of the teenagers in the room. He stops when he's on the other side of the open door and looks over his shoulder at them before the door closes) A word of advice for you... grow up.

On Top Of The Helicarrier 

Fury is standing there with Nathan looking down at the city below.

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