Kingpin of Crime

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(That's right I'm introducing Kingpin. I decided that I don't want to completely leach of the Ultimate Spider-man tv series so I'm going to start putting Spidey's usual villains that don't get a lot of screen time in the series to use)

"Speaking" 'Thinking' "Voice through tech"

New York Docks

'Why is it that every criminal doing a shady deal does it at the docks? I mean seriously there are better places to use other than ones that have been used a thousand times. Ok so from the intel SHIELD got there's supposed to be an illegal arms deal going on here. Time to check it out.'

Nate swings down onto the roof of a warehouse and crawls inside by means of an open window. Once he's inside Nate sticks to the ceiling moving into position to see where the deals going down. When Nate gets there he sees a dark van with a bunch of high tech weaponry that is being shown off to a gang of thugs. 

'Not good that's SHIELD tech weaponry. How'd some low life thugs get their hands on that kind of firepower? Either way it's about time to bust this operation and get me some answers.'

Nate lowers himself down behind one of the guards and pulls him into the shadows and quickly knocks him out, he continues to do this till all the guards are down. Once the guards had been taken care of Nate jumps into action attacking the first thug he sees kicking him hard in the back sending him flying into a metal beam. All the thugs turn around surprised and scared to see the infamous Black Spider standing there.

BS: Don't move and I won't break your bones.

Of course the thugs ignore it and all rush at him, although one of the smarter one's runs over to the van full of weapons. Nate sees this and jumps over everyone landing in front of the thug going towards the guns. The thug then tries to punch him which Nate just catches in the palm of his hand, he then proceeds to squeeze the fist breaking the bones in the hand making the thug cry out in pain. The thug drops to his knees and Nate grabs him by his shirt, spins him around and throws him at the thugs charging at him causing them to fall over like bowling pins. 

Another thug comes from behind with a metal pipe and tries to hit Nate which he just grabs with his bare hands, yanks out of the thugs grip and swings it at him. The pipe hits the thug sending him flying away knocking him out. Nate's spidey sense went off and he did a spinning back kick to another thug that tried to sneak up on him. He then went up to another thug and punched him in the gut making the thug bend over in pain. Nate used this to grab the thugs pants waist and fling him through the air hitting the van making it rock from the impact while putting a huge dent in it. There was only three thugs left, seeing this Nate ran up to the first two who were standing side by side and jumped in the air split kicking them in the face. And while still in the air Nate spins and kicks the final thug who was directly behind the first two into a pillar causing him to slump to the ground. 

The final thug that Nate took out also happened to be the one who was showing off the weapons. Nate walked up to the barely conscious thug and lifted him up by his shirt bringing him up to look him directly in the eye. Nate narrows his eyes, "Who gave you these weapons? I know you idiots aren't smart enough to get your hands on SHIELD tech. So where did you get them?"

"I ain't telling you anything. You don't scare me!" the thug says with a brave look.

"Oh really now?" Black Spider then shocks the thug with a venom blast making him scream in pain. "That was on low power. You don't give me an answer I like and I turn up the juice. Now tell me. Where did you get these weapons."

The thug was beyond scared, "Some guy gave me the weapons he said his employer wanted them distributed amongst the gangs in New York! That's all I know I swear!" Black Spider narrows his eyes and drops the thug back to the ground and webs him up to the metal beam. As Black Spider starts walking away he hears the thug call out to him, "What kind of hero are you anyway?! None of the other heroes break peoples bones, torture them for information, or violently beat criminals like you do! What kind of hero are you?!"

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