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New York

It's been a month since White Tiger and I took down that gang and she hasn't talked to me in weeks. She told the team and they all got angry at me yelling at me that I can't do things like that and that I'm supposed to be a hero. Fury finally got involved in the situation and sat the team down to explain why I do the things I do.

Fury glared at all the heroes sitting at the table, "I've had just about enough of you kids getting onto Nate's case. He didn't do anything wrong and in my opinion he's been doing a great job so far." This caused the whole team to get mad standing up and yelling at Fury who finally had enough. "Enough! Now you will all sit down and tell me why you have problems with Nate's methods."

Peter was the first one to speak up, "Where do I start Nick? He brutally beats his opponents going as far as to break their bones, cut them with his claws, and shock them with his venom blast!"

Fury narrows his eye at Peter, "I know what he does too criminals he's been doing it for over a year now."

Peter gapes at this, "And you're just okay with this, he puts them in the hospital Fury."

White Tiger chimes in, "Not to mention he tortured an innocent man to get information."

Fury looks appalled at this, "Innocent?! White Tiger have you even looked at the rap sheet of those he's tortured for information? The stuff those people have done would make you puke and stay awake at night. As far as I'm concerned the people he tortures deserved it."

Powerman then speaks up, "It doesn't matter, the problem is that he's acting no better than the criminals he beats up!"

Fury then yells at Powerman, "Don't you ever call him a criminal again, do you think he likes to torture people?! He does that because he has too to get information."

Iron fist spoke up this time, "But there are other ways of getting the information then torture."

Fury, "Kid do you know how many times those guys have been locked up and interrogated? They won't talk no matter what, the cops can't do that to get information all they can do is yell at them and bargain with them. Do you know how many times those thugs have been able to walk away because the police bargained with them. Their freedom for information that is 9 times out of 10 useless. Nate is doing what he has too in order to save lives."

Sam, "Save lives? What are you talking about all he's doing is going form gang to gang beating them up and torturing the leaders."

Fury then turns and glares at everyone, "That might be what it looks like from the outside but from the inside it's completely different. He's not going around beating them up for no reason, he's trying to stop a gang war from breaking out."

Sam, "Then how come we don't know about this!"

Fury glares at Sam making him shrink back down in his seat. "It's because he's taking out the gangs before they can even start the war." The screen behind Fury turns on showing map with red dots on it indicating all the gangs that Nate's taken down. "A few months back Nate busted up an illegal arms deal at the dock and noticed something interesting. The weapons being sold were SHIELD weapons that if put on the street in the hands of thugs could be disastrous. Seeing this Nate then proceeded to get information from the one that was selling the guns. The seller claims that he was given the guns and told to distribute them on the street to the gangs. After diving deeper Nate discovered that there was a gang war brewing in the shadows orchestrated by someone called, Kingpin... That is why he's having to do what he's doing right now. So I suggest you all grow up."

The team is stunned and just sit there

At The Docks

Nate's been staking out this warehouse for weeks now trying to find a way in, and it wasn't easy. The perimeter was surrounded with a 10 foot tall electric fence with guards constantly patrolling the perimeter. Inside the fence the court yard was crowded with shipping containers and patrolling guards, plus there were snipers up on the roof. Not to mention inside the warehouse which he has no clue about. In total there were about 30-40 guards.

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