The Beginning (Part 2)

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A Few Days After Where We Last Left Off 

Nathan was becoming worried, not only was his dad being paranoid but he was rarely ever home anymore. His dad just said it was nothing and that we shouldn't be worried about it, but we were worried, he'd started storing away all these papers and files in his office and he was taking a lot of time off work. After a few days of this Nathan just pushed it aside and started focusing on his martial arts training, which had started up again much to his teacher's excitement, and training with his powers. But in one day everything changed, after today Nathan wouldn't be the same again for a long time.

The Morning Everything Changed

Nathan woke up and did his morning routine as usual and made his way downstairs, after getting dressed, to go to school when he sees his dad on the couch just sitting there doing nothing. Nathan just shrugged it off and went to the door already being late for school, but as he went to touch the door handle his dad spoke to him.

Dad: Nathan? Can I talk to you for a minute?

Nathan: Can it wait dad I'm already late for school and I can't afford to be late again.

Dad: This will only take a moment son. I just want you to know how much you mean to me. I'm so proud of you son I couldn't have asked for a better son. You and your mom mean the world to me and I... (Nathan cut his dad off)

Nathan: Ok dad this is great and all but I have school and I need to be going now. We'll talk later.

Dad: (Getting angry) We'll talk now! This can't wait till later don't you understand?!

Nathan: (Frustrated) What's wrong with you?! You're being all suspicious and paranoid and secretive. You haven't even talked to me or mom in days and now of all times you want to talk, but when I try to leave so I'm not late to school you start flipping out at me! We can talk later after school if I have time. (Nathan says forcefully shocking his dad with what he said)

Nathan then turns around and opens the door slamming it as he leaves, while his dad just stands there in shock as the truth of his son's words sink in.

At school

Nathan walks down the hallway to his locker after arriving late to first period, as he's walking he sees Flash Thompson pushing a kid into a locker then closing it, walking away with his pose of football players laughing at what he did. Nathan looks on with disgust at Flash and his gang.

Nathan: "I hate bullies"

Nathan then walks over to the locker with the kid in it opening it up allowing the kid to get out.

Kid: Thanks, Flash is a jerk he's been doing that to me for years. My name's Peter, Peter Parker. What's your's? You new here?

Nathan: Nice to meet you Peter, my names Nathan Black

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Nathan: Nice to meet you Peter, my names Nathan Black. And no I'm not new here I just blend into the crowd very well and I mainly keep to myself since I don't have a lot of friends.

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