Chapter 1

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Stage 1 of an Earthquake: Elastic buildup

'Earthquakes result from forces nowhere near the actual earthquake. The first stage of an earthquake is the gradual buildup of elastic strain. When both sides of the fault move, the elastic strain builds up in the rocks slowly, compressing the rock particles together.'


Hinata was early. The cafe was the prettiest spot near Sendai and, just like his friend had said, it wasn't at all hard to find right next to Aoba Castle. Not far from Aoba Johsai.

This place is something else, Hinata thought to himself as he made his way to a booth and sat down. The place was decked in huge vases with an abundance of flowers that filled the air with the aroma of orchids and tulips. Almost directly above the booth, a huge ornate chandelier shaped like a flower.

'Awesome,' Hinata stared in wonder. This place is so cool! I wonder if Kageyama -

Ah. No. There would be no way Kageyama would want to come to a place like this. Hinata sighed and took out his phone. His friend was running late. There weren't many people in here today. Probably because it was about to be the rainy season. He held up his phone to take a picture of the place -

And froze.

A slender figure with bruised-brown hair and a model-like face emerged from the other end of the cafe, wiping his hands on the sides of his jeans. He looked elegant in a white shirt and brown tie. Currently unaware, he walked straight in Hinata's direction until -

Their eyes met.

'G-Grand King?!'

Both had equal levels of shock on their faces.

'Oh my if it isn't Karasuno's shrimp. What brings you here?'

'I'm meeting a friend who lives in Sendai!'

'A friend, huh? Where's your usual partner in crime?'

'Kageyama? He has a family get together.'

Oikawa couldn't help but notice, the fleeting downcast eyes and saddened tone before Hinata perked up and asked -

'What about you? What are you doing here?'

Oikawa ran his fingers through his hair. 'I'm on a date. Why else would I be here?'

Hinata glanced around.

'She's not here yet. She's running late.'

'You picked the perfect spot for a date -'

'Didn't I just? Everyone knows this as the "first date" cafe. Are you sure there's nothing going on between you and your little friend, hmm?'

Hinata blushed. For some reason, Oikawa got a kick out of it.

'It's nothing like that,' Hinata shook his head.

Oikawa smirked. 'Oh really? Well, whatever you say. This place is also perfect because I live just around the cor-'


Oikawa's eyes suddenly widened. 'Did you feel that?'

Hinata cocked his head to the side. 'Feel what?'

Had he imagined it? No. There had been a small rumble under the floor...

'That... tremor.'

The alarming look in Oikawa's eyes gave Hinata a prickling sensation at the back of his neck.

'That tremor on the ground.' Oikawa was agitated. His eyes searched the floor.

Hinata frowned and realised that he was sat in a booth. 'My feet aren't touching the ground -'

Earthquake - Oihina ficWhere stories live. Discover now