Chapter 12 - Second Confession

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They'd agreed to meet at Aobayama Park near the Lu Xun monument, by a cluster of trees. Despite having to travel much less distance, when Oikawa arrived, through the arms of green, he could make out a mass of flaming orange hair, waiting for him. Oikawa would be lying if he said his joy of seeing Hinata wasn't sprinkled with an extra dusting of sugar having just confronted an ammo-less Kageyama, the prodigy having no idea of this secret rendezvous.

Oikawa slipped between the branches and Hinata saw him -

With no refrain, Hinata's face lit up like the sun, he ran and jumped onto Oikawa who stumbled back but caught the spiker in his arms. Hinata nuzzled his face into the setter's shoulder and breathed deeply.

'I missed you.'

The sun, the warmth, the air, the breeze - the moment melted the icicles on Oikawa's heart into a puddle of water. Ba-dum. The puddle rippled with Oikawa's beating heart, the presence of Hinata tripling the endorphins already whizzing round him from practice.

'I missed you too,' Oikawa stroked the crow's hair, for the first time with his bare healing fingertips. 'Your hair is like silk, chibi-chan.'

'Then it's just like yours.'

Oikawa's heart was like a red balloon - every time he saw Hinata he felt like it grew a little bit bigger.

'How was practice today?'

'It was,' Oikawa remembered the look on Kageyama's face and chuckled. 'Exhilarating. I've had a good week but,' Oikawa turned his head towards Hinata's ear and lowered his voice, 'it's about to get even better now that you're here.'

That familiar tingling sensation bolted through Hinata making him tense. His hand curled into a fist clutching the setter's shirt. His racing heart, his nervous excitement - he couldn't understand why only Oikawa made him feel like this.

'Also as I told you - I'm not wearing band aids on my fingers any more,' Oikawa freed one of his arms and held up his hand.

Hinata moved back and watched in fascination Oikawa wiggle his long slender fingers speckled with healing wounds.

'And you said you can set now!'

'I did. And do you know what else I can do?' Oikawa put his hand against Hinata's cheek, feeling the warmth of the spiker's skin against his fingers, 'I can feel you when I touch you.'

Hinata's eyes bravely met Oikawa's. Oikawa swallowed. He had intended for that last sentence to sound sultry, cocky, but it came out fragile, tender, telling... too honest.

'Are you blushing, Oikawa-san?'

Oikawa chose to ignore this acute observation. 'Shall we go for a walk around the park seeing as you haven't been here before and then I can make you some chicken yakisoba?'

Hinata let go, jumped down and looked up at Oikawa, his eyes gleaming. 'Sounds great.'

They walked, in their volleyball uniforms, sharing about their day.

'It was really strange though Kageyama wasn't at practice today,' Hinata said. 'No one knew where he went. Yamaguchi said he saw him around school but he wasn't answering his phone.'

I thought so, Oikawa thought. Hinata doesn't know.

'By the way my mom keeps asking me to invite you round again... I'm starting to feel like she's liking you a bit too much,' Hinata grumbled.

Oikawa chuckled. 'She does know that you're staying over tonight, right?'

'Yeah she does.'

Except - Hinata didn't tell his mom it was at Oikawa's. He didn't want to start arousing more suspicion with other people now that Kageyama had clocked. The less people knew, the more time he figured he could spend with the setter.

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