Chapter 10

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Oikawa let go of Hinata's hand, picked up the knife and stood up. A waiter who had heard the commotion arrived just in time to provide them with a new knife while taking the one that had dropped on the floor. Oikawa returned to his stool. Hinata took a few moments to compose himself and settle the earthquake that had begun inside of him. He got up and clambered back onto his seat. Oikawa watched the spiker out of the corner of his eye while he chopped up the steak. The boy was clearly lost in thought. About what? Oikawa had no clue.

Oikawa placed pieces of the steak on the small plate in front of Hinata.

'You OK there chibi-chan?'

The concern in the setter's voice broke Hinata's reverie. He blinked, looked at Oikawa, and then at the slices of meat in front of him. His face lit up in excitement.

'Thank you, Oikawa-san! I can't believe I get to try the beef here!'

'My pleasure.'

They ate and remarked on the incredible flavour and tenderness of the meat. The rice and vegetables too were all made to perfection. Hinata could not remember the last time he'd had a meal quite like this one. He remembered Tanaka once boasting about the food here when he'd visited for his sister's graduation and now Hinata could see why. Both Hinata and Oikawa ate and savoured each mouthful so seriously it was like an act of reverence and when Oikawa pointed this out, Hinata laughed.

After their bellies were full and the plates were cleared, Oikawa rummaged in his bag for his wallet. As Hinata couldn't help surreptitiously watching and admiring the setter, he noticed when Oikawa turned towards him and lowered the bag back onto the floor, that Oikawa's tie was strangely darker, patchy, in some areas compared to the top. Hinata was pretty sure Aoba Johsai's tie was only one colour -

No -


'Hmm?' Oikawa turned to Hinata, clutching his wallet in one hand.

'Is that - is that -?'

Hinata's eyes were adequately startled.

'My blood on your tie?!'

Oikawa looked down at his tie. And smiled.

'Yes,' he said, returning his amused gaze to Hinata. 'It is.'

Hinata gawped at the beautiful upperclassman who for some reason clearly found this entertaining.

'I did wrap it around your thigh to stop you from bleeding, you know. It's been through quite a traumatic experience.'

'But that was... that was two weeks ago. It's been two weeks! Are you saying that you haven't washed your tie for two weeks?'

One side of Oikawa's lips curled upwards but his eyes - his eyes were deadly serious. Oikawa dropped his voice down to barely above a whisper and when he spoke, his tone was as chilling as his eyes.

'Why would I wash my tie when it has your blood on it?'

His words sent a thrill that was both terrifying and arousing through Hinata. The waiter arrived with the card machine and Hinata was so stupefied he forgot to fight Oikawa over the bill.

'Now chibi-chan it's almost nine so I think I should walk you home.'

Hinata was still in a daze when they stopped by the entrance and Oikawa made final small-talk with the worker who was a family friend. Hinata too could not make sense of himself - why Oikawa's response, so disturbing if it had come from someone else, but from the setter it was like a deep pleasurable jolt. It was satisfying and it made Hinata feel humbly flattered.

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