Chapter 3

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Hinata's eyes shimmered with tears but not before he could see the shock on Oikawa's face - Hinata then suddenly wrapped his arms around Oikawa's torso and buried his face in the setter's chest.


In an overwhelming flood of emotions, this was all Hinata could do to stop himself from exploding. His mind was like the fractured glass of the chandelier - thoughts and emotions scattered all over the place, they didn't make sense - shock, relief, fear, yearning... To do nothing, Hinata would combust but to go the other extreme...

Yet Hinata calmed instantly from the warmth and strength and safety of Oikawa's body. The same one that had carried him across a quaking room over shattered glass. The same one that had protected him and hugged him under the table. The same one that bore his weight home. But parallel to that comfort, a heightened sensitivity coursed through his veins at the fact he was touching Oikawa. Just under the setter's shirt - Hinata felt his soft skin over toned muscles. His ear was against the setter's heart, that strong fragile muscle, thudded desperately. And that smell... Hinata couldn't help inhale with all his might and squeeze the back of Oikawa tighter.

Oikawa's heart was louder than a drum. That look in Hinata's eyes just before the tears showed up. He'd honestly thought Hinata was going to -

Well. Of course he wasn't.

Oikawa had felt the tingle all over his body the moment the tiny middle blocker placed a warm hand on his neck. And now...

Oikawa embraced his fate. He enveloped Hinata into his arms, holding the boy tightly, as tightly as Hinata was holding him, and rested his cheek upon those soft tufts of hair. Oikawa felt like he'd swallowed a cocktail of emotions in that moment but at least one desire had been satisfied - he had longed to hold Hinata like this again, since he had done at the cafe. He closed his eyes and breathed. He smells like the first buds of spring. Oikawa was vaguely aware of weak heat by his elbow.

Well then. I'll burn.

The two of them, locked in an embrace, felt the drama of the day melt away in their strength; the relief, the emotions had finally found an outlet. They breathed in their different scents, felt the solace in their physical touch, united in silence. And even though something else rippled beneath the surface, the comfort each received was more medicating than a pill.

Had I been waiting for this? This. This was it. All these tumbling emotions all because... I needed a hug. Oikawa felt all his stresses ebb away and he knew in that moment that they were going to be fine.

'You're going to be alright Hinata,' Oikawa murmured into the pillow of hair.

Hinata loved the feeling of Oikawa's head on his, of his breath on his crown, and of -

'Hinata.' Hinata breathed into Oikawa's chest. 'You called me Hinata.'

'Well that is your name isn't it?' Oikawa sighed, enjoying the cuddle and this cutie pie way too much.

'You've never called me that before.'

'I have. During the earthquake. Do you not want me to?'

'No, I... I like it.'

Oikawa grinned. 'Well then,' he barely whispered, 'I'll keep doing it,' and it sent a shiver down Hinata's spine.

Oikawa wasn't sure how long they stayed like that for. He opened his eyes and noticed that those fucking candles were burning way too quickly.

'We should bandage your leg,' Oikawa said.

'Mmm huh,' Hinata muttered, his warm breath tickling the underside of Oikawa's chin.

Earthquake - Oihina ficWhere stories live. Discover now