Chapter 7

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Brrrrr. Brrrrr. Brrrrr. Brrrrr.

Oikawa snapped open his eyes and intuitively turned his head -

The kitchen counter.



Phone -

'Y-you should answer it,' Hinata said. 'Something could've happened.'

Those fucking mechanical vibrations had killed the moment. Plus Hinata was right. Oikawa gritted his teeth. With the fury of Zeus, Oikawa got up and stormed towards his phone, seething.

Fucking earthquakes and fucking phones. If someone hasn't died, then I'm going to kill them -

It was still ringing when Oikawa reached the counter. In an instant, his rage dissolved into fear: Iwaizumi. Oikawa couldn't answer it. He knew he'd get an earful. But had something happened? It stopped ringing. Shit. His voicemail was so full Seijoh's ace wouldn't be able to leave a message. And he already had over 100 texts he needed to respond to. What if... there was something really dreadful in there?

'Oikawa-san, who was it?'


The softness in Oikawa's voice was like an injection in Hinata's ear.

'You should call him back,' even Hinata was alarmed by the harshness in his voice. He hadn't even wanted to say those words.

Hinata watched Oikawa. It was like Oikawa hadn't heard him. The setter was frowning, worried, Hinata could tell, as he tapped through his phone. Karasuno's number 10 sighed. Of course. The blackout. The earthquake. So many people were worried about them... Hinata's mind drifted to his dead phone and his team. If his phone was working right now he'd probably be calling all his teammates too.


The assertiveness in that attractive voice ripped Oikawa away from the screen.

'You should call back everyone,' Hinata said, with conviction this time. 'I'm sure they're all worried about you.'

And, Hinata thought, if you weren't looking after me so much you probably would've replied to them by now.

Oikawa glanced at his phone: there were messages from his parents in there, his sister, from his team, friends and distant relatives. He wanted to be beside Hinata but - these people were important too.

'Give me five minutes chibi-chan and I'll be back!'

It wasn't five minutes. Hinata watched and listened as Oikawa stood, anchored to his charger and called his parents, his sister, every member of the volleyball team, friends from school, distant relatives; Hinata noted the way all these different people brought out different sides to the setter; his parents made him formal, his sister - goofy, his teammates - some captain-like, some jokey but with Iwaizumi Oikawa always seemed apologetic and reverential and this, for some reason, made Hinata feel like a cauldron of boiling green liquid. With friends and other relatives, Hinata could tell Oikawa worked his charm and breezed his way through conversations feigning confidence particularly regarding the earthquake. Sure now it was nothing but Hinata had felt the weight that he and the blackout had placed on Oikawa, he had seen the chinks in the captain's armour.

Hinata switched the muted TV off. Oikawa had his back to Hinata so he didn't notice the spiker climb onto the bed, lie on his back and stare at the ceiling. That pleasing voice of Oikawa's was like soothing background music. Hinata sighed. Even his voice is good-looking. Oikawa was talking to an aunt in Hokkaido.

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