Chapter 13

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Oikawa revelled.

His recovering bandaged palm hurt when Hinata had shoved a hand onto his, forcing him to touch the spiker's dick -

And Oikawa loved that.

It hurt now - throbbing, raw pain - his fingers and padded palm wrapped around Hinata's shaft with the crow's little hand gripping the back of Oikawa's like a vice, pulling and tugging his hand up and down with urgency. Hinata was panting, determined, lost, unstoppable - Hinata would climb - this would get harder and faster. It would hurt more.

But what was intimacy without pain?

Oikawa's neck hurt from elevating it up to continue kissing the spiker. His own dick throbbed unattended to but for the moment he didn't care -

Slippery, saliva-stained, he drew back from Hinata's mouth to absorb those flushed cheeks, the sweat gleaming on that oh so pretty face, and more importantly, the frenzied, panicked, euphoric expression of desperation that Hinata couldn't hide. The spiker was gasping for air, half-moan half-breath - his eyes met the cobra's and he blushed - feeding Oikawa's satisfaction and ego even more. Hinata sensed that Oikawa liked seeing him in this worked-up state, as the setter remained calm and collected, and his blush seemed to - to turn Oikawa on even more somehow -

But Hinata's eyes flicked down: he stared, transfixed at the sight of Oikawa's hand disappearing into his underwear, the feel of the setter's skin on him, touching him. Their hands hadn't stopped. How many times had Hinata masturbated? How many nights fantasising about the feel of the setter? And now finally that insanely pleasurable feeling was here. Oikawa's hand... the knowing that it was Oikawa, those long nimble setter fingers, perfectly wrapped around Hinata's shaft, the hands that had bandaged Hinata's thigh and taken care of him during the earthquake, gripping with just the right amount of pressure, of course, of course Oikawa would know exactly what to do and how to touch him -

Hinata let out a moan so intoxicating as he used Oikawa's hand for his own gratification that Oikawa felt himself get even harder. The cutie pie had wholly surrendered to instinct - blushing, sweating, breathing, fixated, staring down at the world of heat and desire that left no room for the consideration of blood, cuts or healing scars as he forced the setter's hand along with his own.


The raging pain in Oikawa's palm told him that the feral side of Hinata had been released -

And there was nothing Oikawa had wanted to see more.

Initially, he had wanted to tease that soft, tender skin first, savour the first-time feel of the spiker's dick and creatively play with Hinata for longer. But this was just as, if not more, satisfying. However -

Hinata closed his eyes, raptured by blissful friction, as he pumped himself with Oikawa's hand -

The bandage -

Hinata's breathing became even more rapid -

It will get too warm, and the friction from the material could hurt or burn him -

Hinata made a sound like a small wild animal -

Oikawa smirked. Then again -

And yelled -

He's only fifteen.

Hinata buried his face into the pillow, gripping onto Oikawa's shirt as he came, spurting that thick white substance into his boxers and over Oikawa's hand. Torrents of electricity shook Hinata. Again. And again. And again. He whimpered and shuddered before a proud Oikawa.

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