Chapter 6 - The Proposition / First Confession

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Hinata approached the door. And braced himself.

Who would be knocking now? What if it's that girl he was supposed to go on a date with? What if it's one of Oikawa's friends? What if it's my mom -

Oh no. Is she already here?

Hinata scorned himself. No. He would be overjoyed to see his mother. It was just that -

Hinata felt sick at the thought... If something had happened to Oikawa... After all the setter had done for him... You should've gone with him. Well. Hinata had already decided. He was not leaving here until he knew Oikawa was OK. And if Oikawa didn't come back - Hinata felt a vile taste at the back of his throat - he would bring Oikawa back. He would go outside and find him.

'Who is it?' Hinata called cautiously.

'I forgot my keys chibi-chan!'

Hinata flung open the door faster than the super quick attack. And there, before him, more wonderful than a dream, stood Oikawa, in trousers and a shirt, unharmed, smiling down on him.

'Sorry that took longer than I -'

But Oikawa never got to finish his sentence. The spiker leapt and wrapped his arms and legs around Oikawa, making the setter stagger back and grab the door frame to steady himself. Hinata tucked his head over Oikawa's shoulder and held on tightly.

One of Oikawa's wrists had a carrier bag attached but with his free hand, he looped his forearm under Hinata, supporting that little body and entered into his home. He closed the door and, using the heels of each foot, pushed off his shoes. Oikawa carried the koala Hinata to the sofa, dumped the carrier bag on the floor and sat down with Hinata's body still wrapped around him. Hinata breathed in and out deeply, steadily. Oikawa crossed his arms around the middle blocker's waist and pulled Hinata in, even closer to him.

Again. Oikawa thought. Our bodies fit too perfectly together. This feels... too good.

Maybe that's why I know... it won't last...

Oikawa brought a hand up and laced it through Hinata's wild mane. He couldn't help it - he turned his head, buried his nose in Hinata's hair and inhaled deeply. Oikawa could feel his own heart, that deceptive device, rupturing at the seams.

What are you doing? The more you drown yourself now the harder it will be to breathe afterwards.

But Reason threw up her hands as Oikawa placed his cheek against Hinata's.

'I'm sorry I worried you,' Oikawa whispered. 'I had to go to six different stores because the shelves were empty. All candles were sold out. I ended up walking towards Kuzuoka and I found a little shop where I managed to buy you some katsu -'

Hinata couldn't explain it. Oikawa's kindness... was more powerful than his serves. It was like a drug, or the most delicious food Hinata had ever tasted, and now that he had had it, he had to have it more. Oikawa's words, his actions, his body - right now, him whispering into Hinata's ear so tenderly, holding him so carefully, apologising and explaining the mountainous effort again he had undergone for the sake of not just an underclassman... but a rival... it evoked emotions so intense, so fiercely passionate in Hinata that he had to grip Oikawa's shirt to stop himself from doing something crazy...

Oikawa breathed in Hinata's scent again and it shot a spasm up the spiker's spine. Hinata exhaled slowly. A kaleidoscope of emotions rattled through him so fast he could not keep track. But one thing now loomed on the forefront of his mind: their time together was coming to an end. Hinata could see their combined shadows on the wall, falling on Oikawa's photo frames. The brighter the sunlight, the darker the shadow. As much healing Hinata felt in the embrace, in his dawning realisation, he felt twice as much pain.

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