Chapter 23

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Kageyama watched the sun, rise, beaming, bright, as it entered the gym, smiling, eyes alight, floating almost.

It was indisputable.

'Hey Hinata! Good weekend? You're practically glowing!'

Nishinoya's right. Everyone can see it. He IS glowing...

That familiar monster inside Kageyama raised its head. No. Maybe it had nothing to do with Oikawa. It couldn't be. He was clearly upset all of last week because of that viper -

Oh no.

As practice progressed, Kageyama noticed with mounting dread that once again, on a Monday, Hinata kept looking at the clock.

HOW? He said his mom had banned him from seeing anyone after school on a weeknight - is he lying to me?


Kageyama barely reached the ball with his fist but he still managed to get it over the net.

Kageyama had been slightly worried that after Friday's fiasco, Hinata would be odd or awkward or off his game but - the little spiker seemed fine. In fact, he seemed more than fine. Not only that, it was almost as if Friday hadn't happened at all. Hinata barely looked over: no remorse, no guilt, no tension - just his stupid preoccupation with the clock.

Kageyama wasn't sure which was worse - a changed dynamic between them or this. This being as if absolutely nothing had happened.


Kageyama forced his spiker's attention onto him during the break. Those brilliant brown eyes fell onto the blueberry. Yes. Finally. There it was: Hinata slightly crumpled, a blush warmed his complexion, he immediately dropped his gaze.

'Hey. Kageyama.'

Good. Friday did happen then.

'How was the rest of your weekend?' Kageyama asked.

Slowly, Hinata brought his head up and looked at Kageyama, a resolve in his eyes.

Fuck. What had happened? Coach blew the whistle calling everyone back in. Hinata started to run but a hand grabbed his wrist, holding him back. He turned. Kageyama stared at the floor, his head low. And when he spoke, Hinata only just about heard him -

'I wish you'd stop... running from me.'

Kageyama dared to turn and look into Hinata's eyes. The spiker wasn't heartless; the sadness in Kageyama's eyes pierced him, not to mention he was also too aware of the sensation of the setter's hand holding his wrist. Suddenly it brought back memories of last Friday - Kageyama's kisses, ravenous, forceful - and Hinata's blush increased.

'Can we talk? After practice?' Kageyama asked.

'Not today,' Hinata said and, out of habit, glanced at the clock. 'But... tomorrow?'

Kageyama's grip loosened and Hinata strode away before the setter followed. It was as if a gigantic weight had been tied around Kageyama's neck, pulling at him, forcing him down - when he jumped, or set, or served he could feel it, as tangible and real as the ball that grazed his fingertips.

After practice, Kageyama noted how Hinata didn't seem to be running off as usual. He stayed, talking to Suga and Daichi. That's odd.

Some of the team left, in dribs and drabs, but Kageyama made sure to leave the same time as Hinata, who left with a good chunk of the bunch: Tanaka and Nishinoya with Suga, Daichi and Asahi.

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