Chapter 2

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Don't panic. Just don't panic.


Oikawa almost jumped out of his skin by the sudden shrieking of his mobile. He scooped up his phone, wincing from the pain in his hand.

'Iwa-chan,' Oikawa said weakly.

'Are you alright? You OK?'

Wow. No rudeness. No nicknames. It takes an earthquake to make that happen.

'I'm... fine. Are you alright?' Oikawa suddenly felt like he could collapse from sheer exhaustion, like every bone in his body was calling out for rest.

The conversation was brief but Iwaizumi seemed satisfied. Oikawa hardly said much. But as soon as he got off the phone he heard a noise, another ringtone -

He turned. A light blared through the pocket of Hinata's shorts. But Hinata was still staring into the distance, unmoved by the shrill of his phone.

Oikawa dashed forward.

If he doesn't answer everyone's going to think something's happened to him.

'Chibi-chan,' Oikawa crouched in front of Hinata, lower than him.

Hinata blinked and looked down at Oikawa.

'I need you to answer your phone, and I need you to call your parents right away and tell them you're OK.'

Hinata slowly nodded. His phone suddenly stopped ringing.

'Are you going to call your parents too?' Hinata asked.

Why is he so cute?

'Yes, chibi-chan, I'm going to call my parents.'

With movements so delayed, so unlike him, Hinata retrieved his phone from his pocket. The screen was smashed in the corner, the glass splintered like a spiderweb. To Oikawa's great relief, it still worked.

'It was my mother,' Hinata stared at the screen. He pressed the call button and didn't have to wait long. 'Hey. Yeah I'm OK. Yeah I'm still near Sendai Castle... with a friend. No... I'm at his house -'

Oikawa gestured for Hinata to hand the phone to him. And he did.

'Hi, Mrs Hinata?' Oikawa spoke nervously. 'Hi, I'm Toru Oikawa, I'm actually a third year on the volleyball club at Aoba Johsai, I bumped into your son at the cafe he was meeting his friend in when the earthquake hit... I think he's in shock. He's OK - he has a cut on his leg but it's not very deep or wide so I'm going to bandage it up... Oh really? No, I didn't know... Yes, here too. Yes, of course. Of course. Do you want my number too? I don't know long my battery will last but you can try -'

Oikawa gave his number and address to Hinata's mother. After the call, he handed the phone back to Hinata who held it loosely in his palm, as if he didn't care if it slipped out and hit the floor.

'Your mother said that the roads around Natori are closed off. There were some accidents. The rest of your family are fine. She doesn't know how widespread the power cut is but apparently it's hit quite a few areas in Miyagi. She's asked if you could stay here until the roads are cleared so that's the plan for now.'

Oikawa might as well have been talking to a cushion on his sofa. Hinata's mind was clearly lost on something else.


Those brilliant bright brown eyes met his.

'Is this the first time you've ever been in an earthquake?'

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